Health news 28th July 2010

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Type 1
Fred?s up for African trek fundraiser
Scottish comedian Fred MacAulay is to hit the heights by joining in a Burns Supper on top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. The comedian and radio presenter will be joined at the charity event by Michelin star chef Andrew Fairlie. Next January?s climb to Africa?s highest peak has been organised by The Hospitality In Industry Trust Scotland.

Overweight pregnant women are target of new guidelines
Mothers often say they get confusing advice about exercise during and after pregnancy

Obesity levels among pregnant women have reached epidemic levels, putting the health of their babies at risk, experts say. The health watchdog NICE has issued new guidelines encouraging women in England to attain a healthy weight before they get pregnant. It also advises them against eating for two once they conceive. It says almost half of women of childbearing age are overweight or obese, which could harm their child.

Bed blocking epidemic in Scottish intensive care units
Thousands of beds in Scottish hospital wards earmarked for the most seriously ill patients are being ?blocked? by people well enough to be treated elsewhere, an official survey has found. Nicola Sturgeon is under pressure to cut bed blocking in intensive care units Photo: PA One in five beds in high dependency units (HDUs) and intensive care units (ICUs) are occupied by people who have a staged a recovery and are preventing other patients from taking their spot. Auditors found that the scourge has reached record levels, with the proportion of blocked beds in the units almost doubling in five years to about 6,000 per year in 2009.

We should be responsible for our health

Is Andrew Lansley happy with anything about the way healthcare is organised and delivered? It seems not. First, he produced an NHS reform white paper to radically alter Nye Bevan's creation in ways that would horrify its founding father. Then, on Monday, he announced a major cull of health quangos. He also plans to bring a similarly unforgiving eye to public health ? the messy, politically sensitive and sometimes fatal business of food, drink, drugs, smoking, infection, driving habits and sexual behaviour.

Defying gravity: The exercise class that uses the Earth's pull to tone up your muscles
As a self-confessed gym-bunny I'm pretty good at clocking up time on the treadmill. However, I dread entering the testosterone-filled weights area afterward and usually dash in and grab the nearest set of dumbbells whilst studiously avoiding eye contact. So I was eager to see if new American-born resistance exercise class called GRAVITY could provide a cringe-free alternative. Here's how I got on...
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