Health news 28th January 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Avoid being a chocoholic to beat diabetes
HEALTH charity Diabetes UK is asking that everyone across Milton Keynes sticks to their promise of having a healthier lifestyle this new year. There are almost 9,000 people diagnosed with Type two diabetes across the city already.

Many cancer patients 'missing out on radiotherapy'
Tens of thousands of cancer patients are not being given the most successful treatments, according to a panel of radiotherapists. They claim too few people are getting radiotherapy because GPs and the public see drugs and surgery as better options.

The case for change in NHS 'over-sold'

The government has over-sold the need for its overhaul of the NHS in England, a leading health economist suggests. One of the key arguments put forward by ministers was that England was lagging behind in terms of the number of deaths from certain diseases.

Don't wait too long for a baby: Women are SIX times more likely to suffer from fertility problems when 35 than at 25
Doctors have issued a stark warning to couples not to leave it too late to try for a baby. With more and more women pursuing careers, they and their partners are leaving parenthood to at least their late thirties.

Scientists find key chemical that could boost memory and end the misery of Alzheimer's

Scientists have pinpointed a brain chemical that boosts memory, raising hope of new treatments for Alzheimer's. Scientists have shown that the brain chemical IGF-II plays a key role in the laying down and the strengthening of memories.

Illegal drug use is in decline, NHS figures reveal
A generational shift away from drugs may be under way, addiction experts suggested today, as figures showed that illegal substances were declining in popularity among all age groups. Fewer people in England and Wales are taking drugs such as cannabis, cocaine or heroin, according to an NHS survey, which confirmed that use was down in every age group from 11- to 59-year-olds.
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