Health news 27th May 2010

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Type 1
Mediterranean diet 'could raise risk of heart attacks'
It has long been thought that a diet rich in olive oil, nuts and oily fish is good for health because it can reduce bad cholesterol levels. However, a study suggests that some heart attack patients may have genetic mutations that mean the diet increases their risk of suffering further cardiac problems.

NHS London chief Richard Sykes resigns in care review row
The head of the NHS in London, the biggest authority in the health service, has resigned over the government's decision to halt a wave of hospital reorganisations, becoming the first major casualty in the life of the new coalition administration.

Sir Richard Sykes, chairman of NHS London since 2008, is said to be furious at the scrapping by the health secretary, Andrew Lansley, of the review of healthcare in the capital.

UK alcohol consumption statistics: how much do people drink where you live?
People are drinking less - but deaths from excessive drinking are rising steadily, according to the latest government statistics, published by the NHS Information Centre.

The NHS figures, revealing a surge in prescriptions for medicines to treat alcoholism and a slight decrease in overall consumption, suggest that awareness of the health dangers and, possibly, the recession may be having some impact. Prescriptions for medicines to treat alcoholism rose by 12% in 2009

Go to pot.. on noodles
Students living on baked beans and pot noodles are at higher risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic illnesses, a survey has revealed. Drinking, debts and digs traditionally take precedence over eating nourishing food at university. But Australian scientists who polled more than 800 uni students say: "A poor diet is not good enough when health and academic results are at stake. Existing on noodles or beans can cause diabetes, heart disease or cancer."
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