Health news 26th October 2011

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Type 1
Diabetes and the NHSFrom diagnosis, through to drugs, diet and continuing care: What can you expect from the NHS if you have diabetes? Treating and managing diabetes takes up a significant and rising share of healthcare costs. Latest figures for England show that diabetes prescriptions cost ?725 million a year - 8.4% of the primary healthcare budget of the NHS. Gavin Terry, Diabetes UK Policy Manager, quoted.

NHS bill: Peers fear health secretary role 'ambiguity'Peers debating the controversial health bill have raised concerns about the ambiguity of the role of the health secretary under the NHS reforms. Lib Dem peer Baroness Shirley Williams said a major health emergency in the country was an example of when the secretary of state's role was unclear.

NHS must prepare for the genetic revolution, report says
The NHS needs to "urgently" develop the tools and expertise needed to take advantage of a revolution in genetic testing, a report says. The Foundation for Genomics and Population Health argues that new technologies could soon change care for cancer patients and people with rare conditions. Treatments could one day be tailored to an individual patient's needs.

Only six out of 10 protected by flu vaccine
Only six out of every 10 people who take the flu vaccine used in England are likely to be protected against the virus, research suggests. By contrast a different type of jab worked on more than eight out of 10 children. Academics say there are ?critical gaps? in the evidence for the effectiveness of licensed influenza vaccines, even though they are taken by millions of people every year.

Breast screening 'does more harm than good', string of studies showA major review is underway into the NHS breast cancer screening programme, amid fears that it may do more harm than good. An independent team is to look at research evidence and, at the very least, a much-criticised leaflet telling women about the benefits will be rewritten.

Fish oil supplements 'can slow growth of prostate cancer cells in just four weeks'
A low-fat diet with fish oil supplements can slow down the growth of prostate cancer, research has shown. Scientists in the U.S. made the discovery after testing prostate tissue samples taken from men with the disease. They found that just four to six weeks on the diet was enough to reduce the growth of cancer cells.

How taking the Pill for ten years 'can cut risk of ovarian cancer by half'Taking the Pill for ten years cuts a woman?s risk of ovarian cancer by nearly half, according to a study. It also found that having a baby reduces the likelihood by 30 per cent ? and every extra child decreases the risk even further
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