Health news 26th November 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
NHS Atlas defines health variations across England: Find how your area is performing
An Atlas showing variations of health spending and outcomes across England has been published by the Department of Health. The Atlas containing amongst it, 34 maps, shows some clear variations between the 152 primary care trusts along with local authorities and strategic health authories. Barbara Young, Diabetes UK Chief Executive, quoted.

MP backs call for diabetes screening

A CALL in Parliament to provide better care for elderly diabetics in residential homes has been backed by Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney MP Dai Havard.

Council gets the blues
Health charity Diabetes UK Northern Ireland has thanked Castlereagh Borough Council and the people responsible for the Harmony Statue in Belfast for taking part in a World Diabetes Day initiative by lighting up buildings or monuments in blue to mark the estimated 2600 people diagnosed with diabetes in the Castlereagh area and the estimated 11,600 people diagnosed in the Belfast area.

NHS postcode lottery exposed: The shocking maps that let YOU know where you will get good treatment and where to avoid
Three-quarters of all stroke victims are missing out on treatment which would drastically improve their chances of recovery. A report on the shocking extent of Britain’s ‘postcode lottery’ of NHS care revealed that a majority of patients are simply left on hospital wards rather than being looked after in specialised stroke units.

Alert on overweight children as obese show signs of heart disease at 15

Fat children are showing signs of heart disease at the age of 15, researchers warn. A study has revealed that being overweight throughout adolescence sows the seeds of ill-health for decades to come.

A quarter of those with HIV 'unaware they have virus'
A quarter of people with HIV in the UK, over 22,000, are unaware they have the virus, experts from the Health Protection Agency have suggested.

Boost for UK over heart surgery performance
The UK is outperforming most of Europe when it comes to survival rates from heart bypass operations, according to an international audit. Across Europe, 2.4% of patients on average die following a bypass.
The overweight children showing signs of heart disease at 15 makes me so sad but mad at the same time. You may ask why I am mad, well I was reading yesterday that the Coalition Government is to scrap a ?150 million pound fund set up to promote sporting activities in schools, another pointless cut which will cost the country dearly in future years.
I agree Toby. There was a young girl on the tv a short while ago who was extremely enthusiastic about the programme and the fact that the money was ring-fenced so that it could only be spent on the promotion of sport. Cameron's idea is that it will be given to Head teachers and they will decide how it will be spent - but what's the betting the poor Heads will have to allocate the money elsewhere, like repairing buildings or something, given all the cuts already announced for schools.
I'm not sure that I agree that it is a bad thing for Headmasters to be in control of the funding.

One issue is whether they will have sufficient funding to do all that needs to be done.

I suspect not, but that is the nature of the times that we live in isn't it?

Anyway, how much does it cost to have a game of footy in a field (assuming the playing fields haven't already been sold off!), for example?
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