Health News 26th May 2010

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Weymouth mum's plea for more diabetes support
A WEYMOUTH mum whose daughter has diabetes has told of the struggle she faced getting the right support. Tracy Roberts went through a period of being unable to work because she claims the right support network wasn?t in place for her daughter Cassie. Douglas Smallwood, Chief Executive, quoted.

Much to do in tackling this diabetes epidemic

Following the first meeting of the new Cross-Party Group on Diabetes at the National Assembly in March, Dai Williams, national director of Diabetes UK Cymru, explains why it is needed more than ever. IF we stop and think about it most of us know a person with diabetes, whether it?s your aunt, your colleague or a friend. With around one in 20 people in Wales now diagnosed with diabetes it is not surprising that many of us know people living with it. Dai Williams, national director of Diabetes UK Cymru mentioned.

Children of working mothers are telly tubbies: Obesity concerns for latchkey kids
The children of working mothers are more likely to be overweight than their peers, research shows. Latchkey kids have more freedom to eat sugary snacks and spend solitary afternoons slumped in front of the TV.

Lack of exercise 'worse for health than being obese'
Dr Richard Weiler, a specialist registrar in sport and exercise medicine, said that a lack of fitness was the root cause of moreillness than body fat. This ill health includes diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, mental health problems and high blood pressure, he said. Obese patients are to be paid to lose weight in Pound-for-Pound schemeHe called for public health policies to focus more on increasing physical activity and that spending huge amounts of money on treating obesity was the wrong way forward.

Half a million people hungover at work each day... and the World Cup will make it worse
More than half a million people are hungover at work on any given day and the figures is set to soar during the World Cup, experts say. Nearly one in 10 Britons head to the office suffering from the after effects of too much alcohol at least twice a week, a poll of 1,000 people by charity Drink aware suggests. This works out as 520,000 fragile-feeling people heading in to work each day.

LEADING cancer experts were furious last night after yet another drug to extend the lives of patients was refused on the NHS. The decision by the Government?s drugs rationing body NICE means patients with advanced liver cancer are the only ones in Europe not to have access to the sole treatment that could help them.
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