Health news 26th July 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
NHS 'ill-prepared to deal with obese patients'
The NHS is poorly prepared to treat obese patients, an analysis of patient safety records suggests. The Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust team reviewed nearly 400 cases submitted to the National Patient Safety Agency to identify what mistakes were being made.

Heart tsar attacks Health Secretary's NHS reforms

One of the most senior doctors in the Department of Health today launches a scathing attack on NHS reforms. Sir Roger Boyle, who retired as the Government's National Director of Heart Disease at the weekend, accuses the Health Secretary of squandering past gains in treatment because of his obsession with opening up the NHS to private contractors, at the expense of patients.

NHS staff told to 'report concerns or risk investigation'

Health regulators should warn nurses, doctors and midwives they may be investigated if they fail to report concerns about colleagues, MPs say. The call comes from members of the cross-party health select committee.

Fragmented sleep 'harms memory'
Broken sleep affects the ability to build memories, a study of mice suggests. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Science findings could help explain memory problems linked to conditions including Alzheimer's and sleep apnoea.
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