Health news 26th August 2011

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Type 1
Global governments 'must get tough on obesity'

Tougher action - including taxing junk food - is needed by all governments if the obesity crisis is going to be tackled, experts say. The international group of researchers, who have published a series of articles in The Lancet, said no country had yet got to grips with the problem.

Hospitals refusing to come clean on complaints

The annual report by the NHS Information Centre is meant to paint a comprehensive picture of complaints about staff and the service they give. But the number of foundation trusts failing to submit data on numbers of complaints has risen by more than half in a single year, from 18 to 29.

Tropical plants could be used to fight cancer
The extracts, blends of chemicals and other ingredients found inside several plants from tropical regions, could form the base ingredients of new medicines to combat the disease, experts said.

Prof Ian Cree of the University of Portsmouth, who led the research, said: "This is a first ? no one has managed to use cells obtained directly from cancers to screen an entire library of plant extracts and we are very excited by the results obtained.

Prone to flu? Just blame it on your genes... scientists discover that some of us can resist the bug

Tried everything and still got the flu this year? And have you noticed how some friends and colleagues always seem to avoid it? Well, they may have more than luck on their side. Scientists have discovered that however hard you try to avoid it, flu is in your genes.
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