Health news 26th April

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Type 1
Battle of the gastric bands: It worked for Fern but not Vanessa - but one expert argues for more of the controversial ops to save the NHS billions
Whether they like it or not, TV celebrities Fern Britton and Vanessa Feltz have become poster girls for gastric band surgery. With differing outcomes, we have on the one hand Fern, who underwent the ?8,000 weight loss operation five years ago. By maintaining a high level of physical activity through weekly 70 mile bike rides along with a strict diet, five stone weight loss was achieved and Fern slimmed down from a size 16 to a size 12. ?Before, however hard I tried, I couldn?t lose weight,? she admits

Cases of malaria among UK travellers rise by 30%

The number of malaria infections recorded among UK residents has increased by nearly 30% over the past two years. New figures from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) reveal there were 1,761 new cases in 2010.

Do women inherit their mother's health? From breast cancer to obesity, how your genes count more than your lifestyle
Researchers recently discovered that the age at which a girl starts having periods is mainly influenced by when her mother started menstruating. Scientists at the Institute of Cancer Research at the University of London discovered there was a 57 per cent likelihood a girl would begin menstruating within three months of the date her mother started. It had been thought that diet, particularly eating a lot of meat, played a greater role than genes.
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