Health news 25th March 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Calls to limit child exposure to alcohol ads
A bid to get the government to take a tougher stance on alcohol advertising in the UK has been given the backing of health experts. Tory backbencher Dr Sarah Wollaston will put forward a private member's bill next week to limit the exposure of children to alcohol marketing.

Downing Street rejects ?1bn NHS Budget cut claim

The NHS budget in England could be topped up to prevent a real terms cut in health spending, government sources have indicated. Labour claim Wednesday's Budget contained a ?1bn cut in NHS funding - breaking a key coalition pledge.

New drug doubles hopes of beating prostate cancer

Patients who were given six months of hormone treatment alongside radiotherapy saw their chance of surviving for a decade surge. The hormone treatment, called androgen deprivation therapy, is often given to patients with advanced prostate cancer.

Obesity link to baby deaths is 'worryingly high'

Numbers of deaths in newborn babies where the mother is obese are worryingly high, an expert said today. Since 2000, stillbirth and neonatal mortality rates in the UK have shown a downward trend, according to the Perinatal Mortality 2009 report, published today by the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries.
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