Health news 25th January 2011

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Cure for most cancers 'soon'
A ONE-size-fits-all drug described as the "holy grail" of cancer cures will be available within a few years, British scientists revealed yesterday. The breakthrough came when researchers discovered the rogue gene that allows cancer to spread through the body.

Dementia home support an absolute travesty - charity

The home support given to people with dementia and their carers is an "absolute travesty", a charity says. The Alzheimer's Society study - based on feedback from carers, health workers and patients - said the problem was causing unnecessary admissions to hospital and care homes.

Liver disease 'hits younger drinkers'

The number of young drinkers ending up in hospital with a serious liver problem has risen by more than 50% in the last decade, NHS figures show. 351 people aged 30 and under were admitted to an English hospital with alcohol related liver disease in 2009/10, up from 230 in 2000/01.

Deep brain stimulation surgery 'first' for depression

A medical team at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol is pioneering a new form of surgery to treat long term depression. The technique, deep brain stimulation, involves the use of electrodes which are implanted into the brain through holes drilled in the skull.

Genetic link to high cholesterol is being missed

About 100,000 patients have not been tested for a preventable form of heart disease in the UK, according to an audit of the NHS. Familial hypercholesterolaemia is genetic; when people are diagnosed, their families should be tested.
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