Health news 25th August 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
LifeCoach: type 2 diabetes
Our panel of experts answers your questions on type 2 diabetes

Betrayal of the cancer patients
The NHS rationing body was last night accused of downplaying the benefits of a ?miracle? bowel cancer drug to justify banning its use on the health service.

Severe migraine sufferers ?at higher risk of heart disease?
If you suffer the most severe type of migraine attacks you are at higher risk of dying prematurely from heart disease, stroke and other causes, researchers have warned.

A moment on the lips does mean a lifetime on the hips
...scientists have proven that ?a moment on the lips really does lead to a lifetime on the hips?. Even short periods of bingeing on junk food can leave the body more prone to gain weight for years to come.

Sexually transmitted diseases on the increase
Unprotected sex is causing rises in sexually transmitted infections, particularly among young women, according to figures published today

Union tries to block NHS reforms in court over ?sham? consultation
The public sector union Unison yesterday said it would go to court to try to block the coalition government?s plans for a radical reorganisation of the NHS
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