Health news 23rd September 2011

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Popular weight-loss drug under review over liver failure fears
The most popular weight-loss drug in Britain is under investigation over fears it may be linked to liver failure. The European Medicines Agency said there had been four suspected cases of ?serious liver toxicity? linked to the medicine in recent years, one of which was fatal. Although a small number of cases considering 38million dieters across Europe have been given the pills by doctors to lose weight, the regulator said it was now looking at what evidence there is linking the drug to liver damage. It will then decide whether or not the licences for medicines containing orlistat need to be changed or even revoked.

UK medics lead Europe's first embryonic stem cell trial

Doctors at Moorfields Eye hospital in London have been given the go-ahead to carry out Europe's first clinical trial using human embryonic stem cells. They will inject retinal cells into the eyes of 12 patients with an incurable disease, Stargardt's macular dystrophy, which causes progressive sight loss. The disease develops in childhood and affects around one in 10,000 people. It causes the gradual loss of central vision leaving only peripheral sight. The trial will test the safety of using replacement retinal cells known as retinal pigment epithelial cells, derived from human embryonic stem cells.

Trainee nurses 'spend too long in lecture halls and not enough time with patients'

Nurses can start their careers unable to care for patients because they have spent too long in lecture halls, a nursing leader has warned. Peter Carter, head of the Royal College of Nursing, said many new recruits were ?not up to the mark? following degree courses that lacked practical work. His comments reflect widespread concern that elderly and vulnerable patients are neglected in hospitals and care homes because nurses and other staff are not providing basic standards of care.

Daily pill to prevent or even cure multiple sclerosis in pipeline, doctors claim
A simple pill to prevent or even cure MS is in the pipeline, doctors said yesterday. People with multiple sclerosis have much lower levels of brain chemicals called neurosteroids which protect nerve fibres and sheaths, scientists have discovered. And they believe those chemicals could be replaced with a daily tablet. Experts are ready to start human trials on the pills and hope they could be widely available within seven years.

Hospitals furious at Lansley's debt claim
Hospitals across the country turned on the Health Secretary Andrew Lansley last night, accusing him of making misleading claims that parts of the NHS were "on the brink of financial collapse" for party political gain. Senior NHS managers expressed anger that Mr Lansley had singled out 22 trusts, whose "clinical and financial stability" was being undermined by having to pay for prohibitively expensive private finance contracts ? used to build their new hospitals.
Re: Trainee Nurses

I suspect the underlying problem is that since nursing became a degree subject it has become a career rather than a vocation. Sadly as a result of this somee areas of nursing such as going the drugs, input to the doctor/consultant have become more important than basic nursing such as looking after the needs of the patient. I saw this with my parents and have experienced this myself. The best nurses seem to be the older ones who have nor become too disillisoned with the way the NHS is going. Another factor may be the reduction in the number of hospitals ans the increase in size of the others. The feeling that it is "your" hospital and akin to a family has gone. It happened to (the outsourced) cleaners and is happening to the nursing staff!
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