Health news 23rd March 2011

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Type 1
Medical profession 'oblivious' to role of chemicals in diabetes and obesity
US officials are beginning to take a greater interest in the reported links between the exposure to environmental chemicals, like Bisphenol A, with the development of diabetes and obesity. The medical profession remains largely 'oblivious' to the reported links between exposure to chemicals in our daily lives and the development of diabetes and obesity, leading health specialists have told the Ecologist. Diabetes UK mentioned.

Doubling of UK HIV rate prompts routine testing call
A doubling of new HIV infections in the UK in the past decade is leading experts to tell GPs to offer testing to all adult male patients in some areas. Health Protection Agency data shows new UK-acquired cases rose from just under 2,000 in 2001 to nearly 3,800 in 2010.

Screening increases early bowel cancer detection

More bowel cancers are being detected early since a screening programme was introduced in England, says Cancer Research UK. Bowel cancer rates for people in their sixties have jumped by 12% - a sign that more tumours are being detected.

'Genes for pre-eclampsia' discovered

Scientists say they have identified genetic errors that appear to increase a pregnant woman's chance of getting the potentially life-threatening condition called pre-eclampsia. Around four in every 100 women develops this problem of high blood pressure and leaky kidneys during pregnancy.

Alzheimer's Disease drug U-turn by Nice welcomed
Three drugs that are currently only issued by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) to sufferers with moderate to severe symptoms have now been approved for those with milder problems. A fourth drug previously only given late on in the development of the disease can now be issued to those suffering more moderate symptoms.

New test shows rise in heart attack rates

Thinking you are dying of a heart attack and seeking emergency treatment only to be told you are perfectly healthy might be an embarrassing relief. Every year more than 500,000 people are taken to hospital, often by ambulance with siren blaring, suffering from acute chest pains. But more than three out of four are discharged without a deleterious diagnosis.
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