Health News 23rd March 2010

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
No more daily jabs or endless blood tests... The 30-minute op to give diabetics their lives back
Around 1,000,000 Britons need insulin injections to control their diabetes and prevent dangerous hypoglycaemic attacks. A new form of transplant could mean the end of that. Richard Lane OBE, 66, a company director and president of Diabetes UK, was one of the first in Britain to have the pioneering treatment. He talks to CAROL DAVIS. Richard Lane, Diabetes UK interview.

Diabetes patients want more 'say in services'

Diabetes patients want more say in the way local NHS services for their condition are run, a charity has said. A report into care for people with diabetes suggested most were not offered education on their condition, but praised improvements in care. Jane-Claire Judson, National Director of Diabetes UK in Scotland, quoted.

Thrill seekers to take plunge for charity
ADRENALINE-junkies can help a charity scale new heights by taking part in a sponsored abseil in Worcester. Diabetes UK want people to take the plunge and sign up for the abseil down the Debenhams store on Worcester's High Street. Even complete novices can take part in the fund-raiser on Saturday, May 15 with a specially trained team on hand to help provide training and encouragement. Peter Shorrick quoted.

85 people Measured Up at Diabetes UK roadshow in Merthyr

Eighty five people had free Type 2 diabetes risk assessments during the Diabetes UK Measure Up Measure Up Roadshow?s visit to Merthyr last week. Eighty five people visited the Diabetes UK Measure Up Roadshow at Market Square, Merthyr, on Thursday 18 March for a free Type 2 diabetes risk assessment. The roadshow, which was in Merthyr from 9am to 5pm, was also visited by Merthyr and Rhymney MP Dai Havard and Merthyr Mayor Glen Price. Dai Williams quoted.

Praise for work of supporters
THE North Staffordshire branch of a charity has scooped a clutch of awards. Most significant of the five prizes won by the local voluntary group of Diabetes UK was the Best Achievement Award for being the most active and successful branch in the Midlands. Diabetes UK mentioned.

Saudi Arabia suspends Glaxo diabetes drug Avandia

Saudi Arabia has suspended GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK.L) diabetes drug Avandia for six months, arguing that potential heart risks outweigh its benefits. The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) was the first healthcare regulator to take such action. Its decision means detailing and advertising of Avandia is banned and patients on Avandia will be referred to their doctor for consultation. The SFDA said on its website it was concerned about the safety of Avandia, or rosiglitazone, based on growing evidence from clinical studies indicating serious cardiovascular risks.

VIEWPOINT: Why we GPs should never dismiss the Worried Well

A patient with a slight cough came into my surgery recently, a classic case of the Worried Well - or so he and I both thought. In fact, so convinced was this middle-aged man that his cough was trivial, it had taken concerted nagging from his wife even to get him into the surgery. 'I don't even know why I'm here,' he said. As I questioned him about his health, he admitted that, yes, he was a bit sweaty at night, and, yes, he'd lost some weight recently.

Health drive will swallow up supersize bags of crisps
The popular 50g 'grab bags' of Walkers crisps will disappear as its parent company slashes the fat, salt and sugar in its brands. PepsiCo, whose brands also include Pepsi, 7Up, Doritos and Quaker Oats, is responding to pressure on food giants to fight obesity and ill-health.

Chocolate? Now that is a tasty new treatment

Once regarded as a health sin, chocolate is now being hailed as a superfood because of the high levels of health-boosting antioxidants it contains. Other ingredients include theobromine, which is good for the nervous system.

Injection could cure phobias

Fear of spiders, sharks, snakes, heights and other phobias could be cured by a simple injection which prevents people from learning to be afraid, claim scientists. A team of researchers have found that the brain may be able to be 're-programmed' to overcome some of our most basic fears. Scientists claim that because fear is a learned habit, they could be able to switch off the part of the brain that generates those emotions with a simple jab.

Walnuts could prevent prostate cancer, research finds

Walnuts could hold the key to preventing prostate cancer, research has indicated Experiments showed that eating a diet rich in walnuts reduced the size and growth rate of prostate cancer in mice. Scientists believe that the secret lies in walnuts? ability to reduce levels of endothelin, a substance that increases inflammation of blood vessels.
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