Health news 23rd June 2011

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Type 1
Protein 'helps predict Alzheimer's risk'
A protein in spinal fluid could be used to predict the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, according to German researchers. Patients with high levels of the chemical - soluble amyloid precursor protein beta - were more likely to develop the disease, they found.

Mental health care for youth offenders 'lacking'

More needs to be done to address the mental health and behavioural problems faced by children in the youth justice system, experts have said. A study by the Children's Commissioner for England raised concerns about both the quality and variation in standards.

City living affects your brain, researchers find

The brains of people living in cities operate differently from those in rural areas, according to a brain-scanning study. Scientists found that two regions, involved in the regulation of emotion and anxiety, become overactive in city-dwellers when they are stressed and argue that the differences could account for the increased rates of mental health problems seen in urban areas.

Want to lose weight? Then eat extra helpings of yoghurt and nuts

But new research, published today (WED), indicates that it is much more important to concentrate on eating healthy foods rather than fixating on how much one consumes. Experts have found that the more good food in one's diet, the more weight one loses over the long term.
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