Health news 23rd January 2012

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Gastric band success for obese diabetic
A morbidly obese diabetic who was given just months to live if he did not control his weight is on course to lose six stone after his health authority paid for a gastric-band operation following a landmark legal case. The news, which will be studied by other health authorities facing similar demands, given rising obesity levels, comes as the European court of human rights prepares to consider the case next month.

Fruit and vegetable consumption by poorer families falls 30%, figures show
Lower income families in the UK have cut their consumption of fruit and vegetables by nearly a third in the wake of the recession and rising food prices, to just over half of the five-a-day portions that the government recommends for a healthy diet.Households in the lowest tenth of incomes were buying only 2.7 portions of fruit and vegetables a day at the end of 2010, the latest year for which figures are available, while the average household continued to buy about four portions per person

Public health improvement plan given ?2bn funding
Councils will be able to get extra funding to encourage breast-feeding and combat child tooth decay as part of a government plan for local authorities to take a greater role in improving public health.

Government wrong to deny crisis in social care funding, say charities
A coalition of 33 leading British charities have attacked the government's failure to fix the social care system which they said is in "deep crisis". In a letter published in the Observer today, they objected to the comments made by care minister Paul Burstow, who told the health committee last week that there is "no gap" in social care funding.

Listen to the experts, Mr Lansley – your reforms are wrong
The health and social care bill that is directing the umpteenth reorganisation of the NHS began wending its tortuous way through the constitutional process 12 months ago. It is due to go to the report stage in the Lords next month. In spite of numerous consultations, recastings and promises from David Cameron that the essential founding principles of the NHS – free at the point of delivery and available to all – are safe, it is not popular.

Gene switch 'key to heart health'
Scientists may be closer to understanding how genes can influence serious heart conditions, says a Nature Genetics report. The failure to turn off a specific gene at the right time in an embryo's development could mean illness later in life.

World's first cannabis-based prescription drug could soon hit U.S pharmacy shelves
A British company is conducting landmark trials which could see medicines derived from or inspired by the cannabis plant itself making their way to American pharmacy shelves. GW Pharma is in advanced clinical trials for the world's first pharmaceutical developed from raw marijuana instead of synthetic equivalents - a mouth spray it hopes to market in the US as a treatment for cancer pain.

NHS has paid for 'gender-confused' children to have puberty-delaying jabs... so they can have sex changes when they're older
Six children in Britain will be given jabs to delay the puberty on the NHS because they are convinced they were born the wrong sex. The injections - to be administered monthly - will postpone the physical changes of adolescence giving them more time to make decisions about their identity. It will also make any sex-change operation far easier should they decide to permanently swap gender.

NHS lottery if you're fat or smoke
Some Clinical Commissioning Groups are denying routine operations to those who are obese or smoke. This is a slippery slope for the NHS. Patients in Hertfordshire have been told that they cannot have routine operations until they lose weight and stop smoking. Rules laid down by the new Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), set up under the Coalition reforms, mean that those needing surgery will first have to satisfy their GP that they have lost weight and attended smoking-cessation courses before they will refer them on to be seen by a surgeon.

Good news for the elderly
According to an article in the British Medical Journal, the elderly can find their cognitive skills are enhanced.

Older single women 'dismissing cervical cancer risk'
A rise in the number of single older women is putting more at risk of cervical cancer, a charity is warning.
Too many think that the smear test is "irrelevant" for them, according to a YouGov poll for Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, because they wrongly think the cancer is just caused by sleeping around. Cervical cancer claims almost 1,000 lives a year in Britain.

Four patients die each day from hunger in hospital
Dehydration or malnutrition was linked to 25 deaths every week last year, either directly or as a contributing factor. According to data from the Office for National Statistics,155 patients died from dehydration while 48 died of malnutrition in 2010.

Fifth person dies of suspected poisoning at Stepping Hill Hospital
Linda McDonagh, 60, was one of 21 patients who detectives believe were poisoned at the hospital last summer. A hospital source said Mrs McDonagh, had been “extremely ill” since her saline drip was allegedly contaminated with insulin between June and July last year.

Healthy residents bonus for town halls
Cutting tooth decay in children, bringing down the number of times people fall in their homes and boosting breastfeeding of babies will earn councils extra funding, under plans to be announced today.

How a diet packed with fruit and veg can ward off cancer
A potent super-nutrient found in a range of everyday healthy foods can block the way cancer cells communicate and instruct cells to grow and spread, research shows. The discovery could lead to the possible development of new treatments to tackle bowel cancer, the second most common cause of death from cancer in the UK after lung cancer.

Sugar risk of ‘healthy’ fruit drink
Bottles of "healthy" fruit-flavoured water can contain more sugar than fizzy pop, a Sun investigation has revealed. Well-meaning parents often put them in school lunch boxes, but some have up to TEN teaspoons of sugar — higher than Fanta.

Want to earn more? It really pays to be fit
Getting active just three times a week may help boost your pay packet by almost ten per cent, according to a new study. Scientists found that even walking regularly can help you to earn more.
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