Health news 23rd February 2012

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Clinics granting sex-selection abortions to be investigated by health officials
The health secretary, Andrew Lansley , has asked officials to look into claims that some doctors are granting women illegal abortions based solely on the sex of their unborn baby.

Andrew Lansley refuses to be drawn on NHS risk assessment
Embattled health secretary sidesteps questions over NHS reforms 'transition register' if tribunal orders publication

Oscar winner? The Newcastle nurse turned campaigner and film producer
Tragedy turned Carol Grayson into a campaigner for the truth, on the NHS tainted blood scandal and the Iraq war

Should your child be on a diet?
As their role models become thinner, more and more schoolchildren are feeling duty-bound to follow.

NHS may need emergency cash bailout
Ministers fear that the National Health Service could require an emergency cash bailout before the next general election to enable it to cope with the escalating demands of an ageing population. The Chancellor, George Osborne, has promised a real-terms increase in health spending over the next four years. But there is growing anxiety within the Government that the extra money will not be enough to provide care for the growing number of elderly patients and meet the rising cost of advanced medical treatments.

GPs make ?162m out of 'ghost' patients: Anger over bill for 2.5m non-existent people
The NHS is paying GPs to look after 2.5million ?ghost? patients, ministers admitted last night. Doctors are receiving an estimated ?162million a year ? footed by the taxpayer ? for non-existent patients on their books who have moved house, left the country or been dead for up to 40 years. The Audit Commission has counted that in a single year at least 95,000 such ?ghost? patients were registered with GPs and earning them annual payments. But the Department of Health last night admitted there are probably up to 2.5million such patients on doctors? lists in England.

Vest that can diagnose heart attacks as soon as they happen to be trialled in British hospital
Patients at a British hospital will be the first in the world to use a revolutionary cardiac vest designed to immediately alert medics to heart attacks. Sufferers could be diagnosed up to 12 hours earlier than usual if trials of the new Heartscape device, which contains 80 sensors attached to a patient?s chest and back, are successful. Bradford Royal Infirmary will be the first to introduce the vest which translate electrical signals from the heart to give doctors an instant 360 degree, three-dimensional colour view of the organ. This is a more accurate picture than any machine can provide.

Abortion investigation: Health Secretary Andrew Lansley to report clinics and doctors to police
Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, is to report the abortion clinics and doctors at the centre of a Daily Telegraph investigation to the police and General Medical Council.

No 10 health summit: Queen's former doctor 'a political pawn'
Senior fellows of the Royal College of Physicians have accused their own president of being used as a 'political pawn' by attending a Downing Street 'summit' on the health bill earlier this week.

GPs overpaid for 95,000 'ghost' patients
The NHS is overpaying millions of pounds to GPs for ?ghost? patients who have moved practice, died or left the country, a government spending watchdog has found.

Couples donate kidney in 'triple chain? that helps three patients
Three people donated kidneys to the partners of other patients in a rare "triple chain" - because none were a match for their own loved ones.

Skin cancer pill 'doubles survival'
A twice-daily pill has been found to almost double the length of time that patients with advanced skin cancer can survive.
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