Health news 22nd September 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Designer drugs 'cost NHS millions'
Doctors have "wasted" millions on "designer" diabetes drugs when cheaper ones would have been just as effective, according to a report.The NHS could have saved ?625m over 10 years if the older types of insulin recommended in guidelines had been prescribed, claim UK researchers. Diabetes UK Director of Care, Information and Advocacy, Simon O’Neil quoted.

Diabetes UK responds:

"While there is limited and inconclusive evidence that insulin analogues improve HbA1c, there is evidence that analogues have beneficial effects on glycaemic control by reducing postprandial glucose levels, improving fasting glucose levels, reducing hypoglycaemia (especially nocturnal) and reducing weight gain. It's important to note these benefits should not be seen as less important than reduction of HbA1c - these outcomes play an important part in improving quality of life of people with diabetes and must not be ignored.

"Diabetes UK recommends that insulin analogues, whether rapid acting, long acting or premixed should be as available as human insulin to all people with diabetes. The decision of which insulin is the most appropriate for a person with diabetes should be made on an individual basis in consultation with the person with diabetes themselves."

?12bn NHS computer system is scrapped

Ministers are to axe Labour’s disastrous ?12billion NHS computer scheme. The Coalition will today announce it is putting a halt to years of scandalous waste of taxpayers’ money on a system that never worked. It will cut its losses and ‘urgently’ dismantle the National Programme for IT – a monument to Whitehall folly during Labour’s 13 years in power.

Exposed: The health drinks that don't live up to the hype

Claims that health drinks help slimming, boost digestion and lubricate joints have been rejected by consumer experts. Britons spend more than ?700million a year on ‘functional’ drinks and food. But research by Which?, published today, suggests that using these products to treat ailments is often a waste of money.

New arthritis jab gives hope to millions
A ?10-A-DAY jab that can repair damaged joints could benefit millions crippled by osteoarthritis. The powerful drug is said to thicken cartilage by 37 per cent – greatly protecting joints from degeneration. The medication, called Forsteo, or teriparatide, is made from a potent bone and joint-mending hormone.

NHS hospitals crippled by PFI scheme

Patient care is under threat at more than 60 NHS hospitals which are “on the brink of financial collapse” because of costly private finance initiative schemes, the Health Secretary will warn. Andrew Lansley says he has been contacted by 22 health service trusts which claim their "clinical and financial stability" is being undermined by the costs of the contracts, which the Labour government used extensively to fund public sector projects.
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