Health news 22nd July 2011

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Animal testing 'requires tighter regulation'
Better regulation is needed to govern rapidly expanding research in animals containing human tissue or genes, the Academy of Medical Sciences says. It said such studies were necessary for medical research, but that new ethical issues could emerge and called for a national body of experts.

Most teenage girls face a life of illness because they shun healthy food

Teenage girls are condemning themselves to a lifetime of ill health by eating fewer than three servings of fruit and vegetables every day. They are also shunning meat, depriving themselves of essential nutrients such as iron, and eating far too much saturated fat. Health officials warn that a generation of young girls faces the risk of illnesses in later life including cancer, heart disease, strokes and diabetes.

GP practices need 'obesity army', expert says
Every GP practice should have a team of obesity specialists, able to help people lose weight and prevent serious problems developing, a leading expert suggests. Professor Tony Leeds, writing in the BBC News 'Scrubbing Up' column, says this would cut the numbers needing specialist hospital care.

Swine flu jab 'narcolepsy risk'

A swine flu jab has been linked to rare cases of a sleeping disorder and should be the last line of protection for young people, European regulators say. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said Pandemrix should only be given to children and teenagers at risk of H1N1 flu if other jabs are unavailable.

Stepping Hill Hospital: Two more patients die

Two more patients have died at a Stockport hospital where a contaminated saline solution was found. Police said 83-year-old Derek Weaver died on Thursday morning and a woman, 84, died on 14 July.
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