Health news 22nd February 2012

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Type 1
Doctor who criticised NHS reforms is threatened with disciplinary action
Andrew Lansley, the health secretary, has been accused of "bullying" NHS staff who speak out against his NHS shakeup after a senior doctor who signed a letter criticising the proposed changes was threatened with disciplinary action. The doctor has been told to attend a disciplinary hearing later this week by the NHS primary care trust (PCT) that employs him. It claims he breached the NHS code of conduct by airing his concerns.

The NHS bill is wrong to target managers for cuts
Paying for new drugs and treatments and meeting the demands of an ageing population requires that the NHS finds ?20bn of efficiency savings by 2015. Never has the need for effective leadership and management of resources in the health service been more apparent. It is all the more worrying, therefore, that the government's NHS reforms involve deep cuts in management posts. Even in advance of the controversial health and social care bill becoming law, the number of health authorities and primary care trusts has been reduced, resulting in the exit of many experienced NHS leaders. Thousands more will leave in the coming months, as these organisations prepare for their abolition in a year's time to be replaced by the new NHS Commissioning Board.

Arthritis superdrug hope for 40,000
Tens of thousands of Britons crippled by rheumatoid arthritis have been given new hope after a powerful drug is today made widely available on the NHS. The drug tocilizumab, sold under the brand name RoActemra, has been approved for patients with the autoimmune disease who are not responding to other treatments. The decision by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence means 40,000 could now benefit from it. Professor Paul Emery, Professor of Rheumatology at Leeds University, said: ?This recommendation offers the chance of r*emission to the tens of thousands of patients who do not respond to standard rheumatoid arthritis treatments.?

One million child smokers: Shocking toll of youngsters ignoring the health warnings
Smoking at a young age often means a lifetime of addiction. But alarming figures yesterday showed almost one million boys and girls under 15 ? around 27% of children ? have lit up. Despite anti-smoking campaigns and health warnings, every year more than 150,000 youngsters have their first cigarette. Cancer Research UK reckons it is enough to fill 5,200 classrooms or nearly 14,000 junior football teams. Now it is calling on the Government to bring in plain packaging as soon as possible to help discourage youngsters.

Can't get your baby to sleep? Breastfeeding mothers may pass on caffeine in coffee through their milk
Mothers who are struggling to get their babies to sleep should consider how much caffeine they are consuming, according to a breast feeding expert. Drinking coffee, tea and soft drinks and even eating chocolate increases the level of the stimulant in the blood. Babies can become restless, awake and irritable, when it is passed on through a mother's milk.

Painful womb condition endometriosis linked to higher risk of ovarian cancer
A painful womb condition affecting two million British women has been linked to a greater risk of ovarian cancer. Women suffering endometriosis are three times more likely to develop the disease, say researchers. A study has identified three types of ovarian cancer which are more common in women with endometriosis, a condition that also affects fertility.

How to avoid giving birth to a fussy eater: Vary your diet during pregnancy
Women who have a varied diet in pregnancy may be less likely to have a child who is a fussy eater. A decade of research has linked the smells and tastes that a baby is exposed to in its first few weeks and months of life with the foods and scents it grows to like. In some cases, babies appear to get a taste for the foods their mothers eat in the womb.

Women more likely to have deadly 'silent' heart attacks
Middle-aged women who suffer heart attacks are 60 per cent more likely to die from them than male victims, the largest study of its kind shows.

Brushing teeth could prevent meningitis: research
Brushing one's teeth and flossing regularly could help prevent meningitis, a study that identifies a link between a common type of mouth bacteria and the disease suggests.

Babies could inherit sweet tooth in the womb
Babies could inherit a taste for certain foods from their mothers while still in the womb, researchers believe.

Nice makes arthritis drug RoActemra easier to get
Up to 65,000 people with rheumatoid arthritis will be able to access a "breakthrough" treatment more easily, after the manufacturer brought the price down.
If No.1 has been reported correctly then that PCT should be ashamed of themselves. They should read PULSE where there is a lot of dissent about this from G.P's. They might find a few more that they can discipline.

Talk about a democracy. He hasn't put any patient at risk has he?😡 The Reforms might well put patient's at risk.
If No.1 has been reported correctly then that PCT should be ashamed of themselves. They should read PULSE where there is a lot of dissent about this from G.P's. They might find a few more that they can discipline.

Talk about a democracy. He hasn't put any patient at risk has he?😡 The Reforms might well put patient's at risk.

"Lansley told Burnham he did not know about the case and declined to comment."

Why not? You'd think something like this would be brought to his attention immediately. So the government is now excluding groups opposed to the Bill, allowing victimisation of people best qualified to argue against it, and refusing to publish the risk register. It's becoming a dictatorship :(
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