Health news 21st September 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Healthy sleeping habit could cut obese teens' diabetes risk
A study of 62 teenagers showed that sleeping for between seven-and-a-half and eight-and-a-half hours a night kept insulin and blood sugar at the optimum level. Spending less or more time in bed increased the chance of raised glucose levels, while a lower amount of deep sleep caused insulin levels to drop, according to research published in the Diabetes Care journal.

Wait weeks to see a GP
Many patients are having to wait up to three weeks or more to see their GP, a survey has revealed. A poll of more than 2,000 patients has found that well over two-thirds are not able to see their family doctor within two days. More than a quarter cannot get an appointment within a week, including some who are made to wait longer than a fortnight or even three weeks.

Car fumes 'raise heart attack risk for six-hour window'
Breathing in heavy traffic fumes can trigger a heart attack, say UK experts. Heart attack risk is raised for about six hours post-exposure and goes down again after that, researchers found. They say in the British Medical Journal that pollution probably hastens rather than directly cause attacks. But repeated exposure is still bad for health, they say, substantially shortening life expectancy, and so the advice to people remains the same - avoid as far as is possible.

Prostate wonder pill in UK today
A revolutionary pill that can help prostate cancer patients live around five months longer is available in Britain from today. GPs can prescribe the wonder drug, Zytiga, at a cost of ?3,000 a month ? but it is yet to be approved for the NHS. It could extend life for around 10,500 men a year.

How yawning can keep you cool-headed

A big yawn can be good for your health, scientists revealed yesterday. Their research suggests that yawning is more than just a sign of tiredness or boredom. It could be a natural mechanism to cool the brain and prevent over-heating.

Lansley told to water down NHS reforms

Andrew Lansley will have to make further concessions on the Government's controversial NHS reform bill when it gets debated in the House of Lords, the Liberal Democrat peer Shirley Williams said yesterday.
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