Health news 21st January 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Breastfeeding of particular benefit to cancer survivors
Women who have survived childhood cancer could benefit if they breastfeed their own children, according to research. Cancer survivors are often at increased risk of conditions such as obesity and weak bones.

Flu vaccine could be ordered by government

Flu vaccine is likely to be centrally purchased by the government in the future, following the confusion this winter resulting from some GPs failing to order sufficient stocks for all patients who needed it. Taking the job of ordering flu vaccines away from GPs could be seen to be a move in the opposite direction of travel from the coalition government's NHS reforms. The NHS bill published today aims to put far more control ? and 80% of the budget ? in the hands of GPs.

Brenda Jensen's voice restored after larynx transplant

A woman in the US is able to speak for the first time in 11 years after a pioneering voicebox transplant. Brenda Jensen said the operation, which took place in California, was a miracle which had restored her life.

Scandal of 11,000 patients placed in mixed-sex wards in just ONE MONTH

Nearly half of all hospitals in England placed patients in mixed-sex wards in December, official figures revealed today. NHS Trusts admitted that more than eleven thousand patients were placed in mixed sex wards last month without any justification.
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