Health news 21st February 2012

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Admin (Retired)
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Type 1
Cameron admits failure to explain health reforms
David Cameron admitted yesterday that the Government had failed to explain its NHS reforms well enough, but ruled out further concessions to the growing number of critics of its plans. The Government suffered a double dose of trouble as Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, was heckled by a 75-year-old woman as he arrived at Downing Street for a meeting with health professionals. And David Cameron was accused of a "bunker mentality" after groups representing health staff that oppose the reforms were excluded from the talks.

Sign of the future? Private health company asks elderly to leave
A private health company that boasts of being "honest, open and fair" is to de-register more than 100 elderly patients less than six months after signing them up a part of an NHS deal. Under its terms, the practice took on 400 patients as part of a pilot scheme to offer "enhanced care home service". But the company, called The Practice and based in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, is now set to de-register 166 of the elderly patients because the pilot scheme is coming to an end, according to health magazine Pulse.

Even gentle exercise can help protect the brain and memory in old age
As we age, we are more likely to suffer from memory problems and confusion following a physical injury or bacterial infection as our immune systems are weaker. Now scientists believe exercise could provide the key to shielding older adults from this negative side-effect. A team from the University of Colorado looked at the effects of running on a group of elderly rats, who were recovering from an E.coli infection. Although they ran far less than younger rats, they performed far better in memory tests than other old rats only given a locked wheel to run on.

The doctors who think conquering hot flushes may be all in the mind
Lynne Collins wasn’t too concerned when she hit 50 and realised she was beginning the menopause. ‘I just thought your periods stopped, which would be rather nice,’ says Lynne. ‘I wasn’t really sure what to expect.’ But over the next few years she started to suffer increasingly from symptoms — most notably hot flushes and night sweats — which affected every aspect of her life.

Losing weight is twice as hard as you may think... cutting calories slows down your body's metabolism
IF you are on a diet, look away now. Losing weight is twice as hard as thought, scientists said last night. After factoring in how metabolism slows down as we shed pounds, they announced that dieters’ expectations have been too high. And official guidance that cutting 500 calories a day will result in a pound of weight being lost a week is plain wrong.

Big screen binge: Underage drinking linked to films featuring alcohol
Children aged 10 to 14 who watch a lot of movies featuring alcohol are twice as likely to drink, according to new research. Experts questioned more than 6,500 youngsters four times, asking in each session whether they had seen any of 50 films selected at random. The teenagers were also asked in each survey if they had ever drunk alcohol behind their parents’ back and at what point they started binge-drinking (having five or more drinks in a row).

Andrew Lansley slated by a furious pensioner over NHS reforms
Embattled Health Secretary Andrew Lansley was heckled and jostled yesterday as he ran a gauntlet of protesters against his health reforms.

Flab to fab in three minutes
There’s no need to slog away at the gym for hours on end. Just three minutes of exercise a week could be enough to help you lose weight, according to scientists.

The virtual doctor will see you now
There are no waiting lists, no appointments are necessary and it can be done in the privacy of your own home.

Why the weight is so hard to shift: guidelines have been wrong all along
National guidelines that advise people how to lose weight are seriously flawed and grossly overstate how quickly they will reach their targets, scientists say.

Conservative support shrinks as voters turn against NHS bill
David Cameron has squandered the Conservatives' new year lead as voters turn against his health reforms, according to a Guardian/ICM poll. The Tories are down by four percentage points in a single month, slipping from 40% to 36% since January.

Why I had to confront Andrew Lansley over his bid to wreck the NHS, by pensioner who spoke for Britain
Former school bus worker June Hautot said she could not stand by and watch the Government wreck the NHS
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