Health news 21st April 2011

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Parents 'want child gene tests'
Parents believe the benefits of testing their children for the genetic risk of some diseases outweigh the negative consequences, according to US scientists. In the study, published in the journal Pediatrics, parents who were offered a genetic test supported their children also being tested.

Fears over carbon monoxide poisoning figures

The number of deaths and injuries from carbon monoxide poisoning could be significantly higher than official figures show, the BBC has been told. Health and Safety Executive (HSE) figures show reported deaths to be lower than a decade ago.

Patients denied key treatments due to NHS cost-cutting, surgeons warn
Growing numbers of patients are being wrongly denied a new hip, a weight loss operation or even cancer treatment because of NHS cost-cutting, the leaders of Britain's surgeons have warned. Increasing rationing of operations is forcing patients to endure pain, injury or disability because NHS primary care trusts (PCTs) are ignoring evidence about the effectiveness of certain treatments simply to balance their books.

Rise in abortions among mothers denied morning sickness drugs
Doctors are failing to treat morning sickness, which can be so severe it has driven some women to abort their babies, because of the legacy of the thalidomide disaster. The denial of drug treatment to pregnant women because of fears about birth defects – as happened with thalidomide – has contributed to a three-fold rise in the number of women admitted to hospital with severe nausea and vomiting in the past 20 years, an expert on the condition said.

Pancreatic cancer vaccine trial
There is rarely positive news about pancreatic cancer. It has the worst survival rate of all common cancers - worse even than lung cancer. Patients are usually diagnosed late when the cancer is inoperable.

NHS children's care at risk through lack of well-qualified doctors and nurses
Paediatricians say 50% increase in consultants and many more children's nurses and GPs with paediatric experience needed. Children's lives are being put at risk by failings in hospital care where the service is being run by crisis management because there are not enough well-qualified doctors and nurses, paediatricians have warned.

NHS reforms live blog: waiting times up

A King's Fund report shows waiting times are up, providing another challenging day for the government as it struggles to sell its controversial health reforms. 5.41pm: For those of you who missed the blog today, here is a brief round-up of events to close today's coverage: ...

Bonus scheme for doctors 'fails to improve public health'

Researchers said there was little evidence that the arrangements had reduced hospital admissions for all conditions or led to more ill patients being brought in for treatment. Instead, the system was seen as a “tick-box” exercise that did not encourage doctors to look at the health of the wider community.
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