Health News 20th May 2010

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Type 1
Treatment is changed after patients search online
Treatment changed for about a quarter of patients after they searched online for information about their medicines, a survey carried out by Datapharm, the company behind the electronic medicines compendium website, has found. A third of patients revealed that the management of their condition was altered after they researched their medicine on the internet. Diabetes UK mentioned.

Abortion services to be advertised on UK television for first time
Planned screening provokes an enthusiastic welcome from advocates of women's sexual health, and outrage from anti-abortion groups. The first commercial to offer advice on abortion services will be screened on British TV next week, campaigners said today, provoking an enthusiastic welcome from advocates of women's sexual health, and outrage from anti-abortion groups.

The dying, not doctors, must have final say in treatment, says GMC
Dying patients should have the final say over receiving or refusing treatment, new guidance from the medical regulator says today. While doctors are not obliged to provide treatments that have no clinical benefit or could do harm, the General Medical Council (GMC) says they must pay more attention to patients’ wishes when the benefits and risks are “finely balanced”.

NHS explores paying people to become healthier
The NHS is exploring the possibility of using financial incentives to encourage healthier lifestyles. Several areas have already started their own schemes - and the results have given some encouragement.
Dundee study finds heart drug used safely in the NHS

New research has backed the safety of a drug commonly prescribed for high blood pressure and heart problems. Concerns had been raised over spironolactone after a Canadian study found it could cause kidney problems.
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