Health news 20th February 2012

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Lord Owen: freezing health groups out of NHS reform summit is reprehensible
Lord Owen, a doctor and former home secretary, said the Prime Minister was seeking to divide and rule in freezing out the BMA and the Royal College of General Practitioners. Writing in The Guardian Lord Owen said: ""He is clearly trying a policy of divide and rule in the hope that he can break the opposition to the bill by only asking those he believes will support him.

Florence Nightingale approach 'could help fight infection in modern hospitals'
Dr Jack Gilbert, head of an international project to categorise all known bugs, said modern hospitals could lower rates of infection by being slightly less sterile. Sterile conditions in wards and operating theatres may be doing more harm than good by wiping out organisms that keep dangerous microbes at bay, he believes. Opening windows and allowing fresh air into wards could boost populations of "good bacteria" which help keep harmful bug populations under control, he explained.

A knife is driven deeper into the NHS
Despite the protests of a myriad professional medical associations, the Prime Minister refuses to abandon the ill-advised NHS reform Bill.

David Cameron accused of divide and rule on health bill
David Cameron was accused of deepening divisions in the health service by only inviting royal medical colleges and health practitioners that he believes will back his NHS reorganisation to a special summit at Downing Street on Monday.

Experts fear diseases 'impossible to treat'
Britain is facing a "massive" rise in antibiotic-resistant blood poisoning caused by the bacterium E.coli ? bringing closer the spectre of diseases that are impossible to treat. Experts say the growth of antibiotic resistance now poses as great a threat to global health as the emergence of new diseases such as Aids and pandemic flu.

Critical doctors 'locked out' of Downing Street NHS meeting
David Cameron will today signal his determination to press ahead with health reforms as he stages a Downing Street summit from which critics of the plans have been excluded. The Prime Minister, who has taken personal charge of implementing the overhaul, will make clear he believes the preparations for the changes are too advanced to be halted and will argue that patients can already see improvements where preparations have been begun.

Would you eat a burger grown in a laboratory?
The world's first hamburger made with a synthetic meat protein derived from bovine stem cells will be publicly consumed this October after being prepared by a celebrity chef, according to the inventor of the artificial mince. Heston Blumenthal is the favourite to be asked to cook the ?250,000 (?207,000) hamburger, which will be made from 3,000 strips of synthetic meat protein grown in fermentation vats. Dr Mark Post, of Maastricht University in the Netherlands, said the anonymous backer of his research project had not yet decided who would get to eat the world's most expensive hamburger, which will unveiled at a ceremony in Maastricht.

Drinking will kill 210,000 in next 20 years unless we outlaw cheap booze, senior doctors warn
Alcohol will cause 210,000 deaths during the next 20 years through illness, violence and accidents, senior doctors warn. Two of Britain?s foremost alcohol specialists, Professor Ian Gilmore and Dr Nick Sheron, are calling on the Government to act quickly to avert this ?shameful, preventable loss of life? by outlawing cheap alcohol. They have calculated that in the next two decades there will be 70,000 avoidable deaths from liver disease and another 140,000 from drink-related strokes, heart attacks, cancer, violence, suicides and accidents.

The secret to long life? Starve yourself on alternate days to boost brain power and shed weight
Starving yourself on alternate days can make you live longer, according to scientists. A group of Americans have said that fasting on and off can boost brain power and help to lose weight at the same time. The National Institutes for Aging said their research was based on giving animals the bare minimum of calories required to keep them alive and results showed they lived up to twice as long.

Once dismissed as pretentious but now brain scans prove Eastern philosophies can be effective in treating mental illness
Meditation is sitting around trying to think about nothing and letting out the occasional ?ommmm?. They do lots of it in India and in parts of Islington where they eat granola, too. OK, those are sweeping statements but you catch my drift. I?m open-minded, but if you had asked me a few years ago whether I believed meditation could be an effective treatment for serious mental illness, I would have laughed. However, that is exactly what some of Britain?s mental health experts now believe.

I let my son end his life because I love him
Marine biologist Andrew Colgan had suffered from multiple sclerosis and neuralgia for 10 years, and as his health deteriorated and he was plagued with pain and restricted to a wheelchair, his desire to end his life grew.

Pizza-only diet could kill me, says scared Claire
A woman who has eaten only cheese and tomato pizza for 31 years has been told she could DIE unless she quits her bizarre dining habit. Mature student Claire Simmons, 33, gags if she puts anything but a plain pizza slice in her mouth. She also SHAKES the moment she is presented with any other type of food. Now doctors have warned that her bizarre condition ? known as Selective Eating Disorder ? is increasing her risk of a stroke or heart attack in later life.
David Cameron has the perfect answer for the Health Bill Reforms to be accepted.
Only debate with people who are in agreement. Simples.:D
I'd like to talk to some of those patients who Mr Cameron says have seen improvements, would anyone else?
Just seen on Twitter:

@thewritertype: It's handy for Cameron that everyone in the country who supports his NHS plan can fit around one table. Saves on biscuits.

@thewritertype: It's handy for Cameron that everyone in the country who supports his NHS plan can fit around one table. Saves on biscuits.

Love it:D
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