Health news 20th April 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
More gloom and doom from the world of journalistic medicine... :(

Desk job 'doubles bowel cancer risk'
Worse still, scientists found even office workers who regularly exercise are still twice as likely to get a tumour as similarly active people who have less sedentary jobs. Every year almost 40,000 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer, while more than 16,000 die. About 70 per cent survive for at least a year past diagnosis, while half survive to at least five years.

HIV study claims one in eight children resistant to drugs

One in eight children born with HIV becomes resistant to the three main classes of drugs used to suppress the virus within five years of starting treatment. The first major study of drug resistance in young people, which looked at 1,000 European children born with HIV, raises questions about the suitability of anti-retroviral drugs for the young.

NHS chiefs predict ward closures and job cuts

NHS finance directors predict ward closures, job cuts and other reductions as they struggle to make ends meet and prepare for the reorganisation of England's health system, according to the King's Fund thinktank. With some hospital waiting times the worst for three years, A&E departments overstretched, and surgeons warning that patients are being denied key treatments, the first in a series of planned quarterly monitoring reports highlights "significant concern" among some of those responsible for contributing to ?20bn of "efficiency savings" in the NHS over four years and for ensuring that new bodies taking over services in the next three years do not start with deficits.

Calcium supplements 'increase heart attack risk by a fifth'

Taking calcium pills together with Vitamin D increases the chance of having either a stroke or a heart attack by a fifth, found a study of more than 16,000 post-menopausal women. Last July another study - by the same research team - found that taking calcium supplements alone increased the risk of having a heart attack by 30 per cent.

Cancer breath test 'step closer'

I presume this is the kind of things that the Bio-detection dogs can detect:

A breath test that can sniff-out cancer is a step closer to reality, according to a preliminary study. Researchers found an "electronic nose" was able to identify chemical signals of cancer in the breath of patients with lung or head and neck cancer.
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