Health news 1st September 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It seems this got posted on the 'old' version of the forum yesterday, so here it is again!

Lib Dems hint at rebellion on health bill vote
A Lib Dem member of the Commons health select committee has signalled his intention to vote against the health and social care bill unless significant changes are made to the legislation.

Other Lib Dem parliamentary colleagues have indicated they have yet to make a final decision on which way to vote when the bill reaches the report stage in the Commons next Tuesday and Wednesday, according to PoliticsHome.

NHS should close hospitals and sack consultants, says former head

The NHS needs fewer hospitals and senior consultants, its former chief executive claims today in an important intervention. Lord Crisp, who led the fourth-biggest organisation in the world under Tony Blair but has since worked on health care in the developing world, breaks his silence to argue that older people and those with long-term illnesses need to be treated at home or the community rather than in expensive wards.

Potato diet for lower blood pressure... and no weight gain
They have long been maligned as fattening and shunned by those following the Dukan and other low-carb diets. But potatoes could be the latest superfood. For eating a portion twice a day can lower blood pressure, researchers say. What is more, it seems there is no weight gain involved.

Size Zero? Maybe you've got the thin gene
While lots of obesity genes have been discovered, this is the first time one has been found having the opposite effect. The 'gene' in question is actually a group of 28 genes. In one in 2,000 people these are abnormally duplicated, resulting in carriers failing to put on weight as normal.

Smoked out: tobacco giant's war on science

The world's largest tobacco company is attempting to gain access to confidential information about British teenagers' smoking habits. Philip Morris International, the maker of Marlboro cigarettes, is seeking to force a British university to reveal full details of its research involving confidential interviews with thousands of children aged between 11 and 16 about their attitudes towards smoking and cigarette packaging.

Screening is ?failing to cut breast cancer toll?

The Breast Cancer Screening Programme does not save women?s lives, a controversial report warns. Regular mammograms have had little impact in reducing the numbers of tumours diagnosed very late, which are often terminal.

'Miracle' technique cures grandfather of cancer

A grandfather given "a death sentence" after being diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer has been cured of the disease thanks to a pioneering new technique. The therapy used on Brian Brooks, 72, involved directly delivering high doses of radiation to tumours deep in the body, via tiny radioactive glass beads injected into his bloodstream. The treatment itself lasted just two days.

How bacteria found in yoghurt could help treat depression

Bacteria found in yoghurt could stave off depression, research has suggested. Probiotics, or 'good' bacteria, found in the dairy product have the potential to alter brain chemistry and may help in the treatment of anxiety and depression-related disorders, the study found.
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