Health news 1st October 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Male infertility gene discovered
A faulty gene could help explain some cases of unexplained male infertility, according to research. Mutations of the NR5A1 gene were found in a small percentage of infertile men, reports the American Journal of Human Genetics.

BMA critical of health service shake-up

The forthcoming shake-up of the NHS in England could undermine its "stability and future", doctors' leaders say. The British Medical Association warning sparks the start of what promises to be a delicate balancing act for ministers.

Fancy a cuppa? Humble cup of coffee may 'prevent IVF complication'
Researchers today suggested a life-threatening complication of fertility treatment could be prevented by a cup of coffee, after a study identified a possible cause. In vitro fertilisation has resulted in the birth of many babies since the first 'test tube' baby in 1978.
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