Health news 1st November 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Eating out with diabetes

Most people enjoy going for a meal with friends and family, and just because you have diabetes it doesn't mean you can't have a great night out in the pub or restaurant. You can order a wide variety of foods, but you need to be careful about what you choose. The experts agree this means a healthy diet that's low in fats, sugar and salt, and which includes plenty of fruit and vegetables. Diabetes UK mentioned.

Yoga CAN improve your bad back (and get you active more quickly than just having physio)

Its fans claim it helps the body fight aches and pains through a range of stretches.

But it would seem that the ancient practice of yoga really does work – and it could be even better than going to the doctor.

They can help you lose weight and even get you to sleep, but which nuts are best for you?

Nuts are packed with nutrients, but which is the healthiest choice for your condition? A walnut-enriched diet cuts cholesterol by an average of 0.3 points (e.g., from 5.5 to 5.2  mmol/l), according to a review of 13 studies involving 365 people. You need 30g a day to see benefits in a month.

Cold snap alert plan 'will save lives'

Winter weather alerts aimed at helping vulnerable people during cold snaps are to be introduced in England. Agencies such as the NHS and social services will get the Met Office alerts and will then have to take action to ensure people are safe in their homes.
Eating Out With Diabetes - Top Tips

"Fill up with loads of salad and unbuttered veg. If your chosen dish is low on carbohydrates, ask for extra bread, rice, chapatis or potatoes." 😱🙄
Eating Out With Diabetes - Top Tips

"Fill up with loads of salad and unbuttered veg. If your chosen dish is low on carbohydrates, ask for extra bread, rice, chapatis or potatoes." 😱🙄

Must admit, I didn't bother reading the tips! Is the next one 'For pudding, treacle sponge and custard is ideal and if there is any jam rolypoly left then you might as well make sure it doesn't go to waste. Oh, and don't miss out on the mints with the coffee - often people don;t want theirs, so make sure you bagsy them first...' 😱

I wonder if the advice is based on people on mixed insulins who needed a certain amount of carbs at mealtimes?
No - it's based on the diet that first made America the land of the obese and later did the same to the UK.
I wonder if the advice is based on people on mixed insulins who needed a certain amount of carbs at mealtimes?

At the start of the article it does say ''making a success of eating out partly depends on what type of diabetes you have'' - with this in mind I would say it's aimed at type 1's using insulin as opposed to type 2's who as we know have to be very careful concerning carbohydrate consumption.
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