Health news 1st February 2012

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Tomatoes could hold cure to prostate cancer
Scientists have discovered the nutrient, lycopene, which is found in cooked tomatoes, can slow the growth - and even kill - the cancer cells that hijack a body?s healthy blood supply.

Government accused of dramatic U-turn over ?300m spare pot of NHS cash
A ?300million pot of NHS cash is now up for grabs ? after the Mirror revealed the Government was keeping it secret. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley planned to give NHS trusts just 48 hours to apply for a share of the funds. But, following the Mirror?s revelation, the Department of Health has extended the deadline and Labour MP Grahame Morris, of the Health Select Committee, said: ?We found them out and they are backpedalling like mad.?

The ?7 headset that can keep blood pressure low could help thousands of patients
A gadget that controls high blood pressure will be available on the NHS for the first time.

Indigestion drugs can cause hip fractures warn experts
Women who take indigestion drugs are putting themselves at risk of breaking their hips. Those in post-menopause who are on medication for peptic ulcers and excess stomach acid are 35% more likely to suffer a fracture, a study warned last night. The threat rises to 50% for smokers with prolonged use of the drugs.

New online test tries to cut deaths from asthma attacks
A new online test is being launched that will help people with asthma gauge to what extent they are at risk from a serious attack.

Now one in 100 adults has autism and the condition is much more likely to affect men
One in 100 adults has autism, according to a major report.

Experts say the disorder and similar conditions such as Asperger?s syndrome are far more widespread than previously thought.

Patients who are being told they have cancer... over the telephone
They are the words everyone dreads hearing from their doctor ... and the fact they are delivered over the phone can only compound the trauma.

Yet last night it emerged that many patients are being told they have cancer in a phone call rather than a face-to-face meeting.

Million get NHS dentist
Ministers will unveil plans today to get one million extra patients signed up with an NHS dentist. The multi-million pound drive will reverse the dramatic fall in people who had an NHS dentist under Labour. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley hopes it will end the horror stories of desperate people forced to use pliers to yank out teeth. He will announce that since May 2010 820,000 new patients are getting checked and treated.

Smacking never right, say doctors
Parents should be banned from smacking their children because of the risk that ?today?s smack will become tomorrow?s punch?, the Royal College of Paediatrics has warned.

Now for the NHS's life-saving surgery
The Health Bill has been a catastrophic mess ? poorly presented, criticised from all corners and now emasculated. But the reforms at its heart are still urgently needed.

Hopes soar of new super-jab that could kill off flu for good
The creation of a flu super vaccine, which could wipe out all strains of the killer virus, has moved a step closer.

Private firm starts running NHS Hinchingbrooke Hospital
A private firm has become the first to start running an NHS hospital.

Circle, which is co-owned by doctors, has taken on managing Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Cambridgeshire, which had been threatened with closure as it grappled with ?40m of debt.

Divorcing 'is more harmful to health in your 30s as young couples are hit hardest by change'
They are sometimes seen by the older generation as having a more casual attitude to relationships. But people who divorce when young suffer more damage to their health than those who split up later in life, research found.

Feeling fat this Flabruary? Brits hit low because of 'failure to shift Christmas weight'
If you've given up on the New Year?s diet and are reaching for that forbidden chocolate bar, it seems you are not alone.

Three sisters take drastic step of having their breasts AND wombs removed to avoid hereditary cancer death sentence that killed their mother at just 32
These three sisters look a picture of health ? but they have had to take drastic action to stay that way. They decided to have preventive double mastectomies as an alternative to a lifetime of monitoring. The two elder sisters have also had hysterectomies after doctors told them the faulty BRCA1 gene gave them a 50-60 per cent chance of developing ovarian cancer.
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