Health news 1st December 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Joe Pasquale urges runners to join his Marathon team
FUNNYMAN Joe Pasquale is urging Buddies to slip on those sneakers and join him as he takes on next year?s London Marathon. The former king of the jungle is signed up to run the Virgin London Marathon next year in support of leading health charity Diabetes UK

Why dieting makes you yearn for junk food
As any dieter knows, when the going gets tough, chips and chocolate are all the more appealing.

But it may not be simply a case of absence making the heart grow fonder. Experiments suggest rapid weight loss alters the way the brain handles stress.

Toothpaste chemical 'that can leave unborn babies brain damaged'

A chemical in toothpastes and soaps has been linked with brain damage to babies in the womb.

Scientists fear pregnant women who are exposed to high levels of the chemical, called triclosan, may be putting their babies at risk.

Happy pills used by thousands 'raise the risk of heart disease'
Powerful anti-depressants taken by hundreds of thousands of people could significantly raise the chances of heart disease, scientists have found. Men and women taking tricyclics are 35 per cent more likely to develop a range of cardiac problems, from heart attacks to strokes.

Screening ALL women for breast cancer at 40 'will save thousands of lives'
All women should be screened for breast cancer from the age of 40, leading doctors say.

They believe starting the routine X-rays ten years earlier than currently recommended would save thousands of lives a year.

Index finger length prostate cancer clue
The length of a man's fingers can provide clues to his risk of prostate cancer, according to new research. A British Journal of Cancer study found men whose index finger was longer than their ring finger were significantly less likely to develop the disease.
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