Health news 1st August 2011

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Type 1
Driving licence applicants asked to join organ donor register
Anyone applying for a driving licence from Monday will be obliged to answer a question about joining the organ donor register, the health department has announced, in an attempt to boost the numbers of potential donors.

Women's cancer rates higher in Britain than Europe

Official figures suggest almost a fifth more women in this country develop the disease before the age of 75 compared with those on the continent. The World Cancer Research Fund, which unearthed the data, fears that the difference could be down to the fact that British women drink and eat too much.

Bupa aims to take scalpel to ?unnecessary? surgery

Britain's largest private health insurer is embroiled in a severe row with some of the country's top surgeons after accusing them of performing operations that earn them ?600 a time on patients without a good medical reason. Bupa, which insures 3 million Britons, claims orthopaedic surgeons have carried out unnecessary knee arthroscopies on some of their clients.

Deprived parts of England will lose out under health reforms

Deprived parts of England will lose out to wealthier regions under radical health spending reforms, according to a report by public health experts. Changes to NHS funding formulas will see a reduction in funding to tackle entrenched health inequalities for areas with unhealthy populations ? such as those with low life expectancy or where levels of disease are above average.

Negligence claims against GPs rising
Negligence claims against GPs are soaring and payouts to patients or their families have hit unprecedented levels, according to the organisations that indemnify most of the country's family doctors.The Medical Defence Union has told the Guardian that claims against GPs rose by 20% between 2009 and 2010, mostly (60%) over wrong or missed diagnoses.

David Cameron's NHS chaos won't save money ? let alone lives
The Tories' great re-disorganisation of the NHS is costing ?1m a day, swallowing at least ?2bn in all. But waste of money is only one aspect of an unfolding calamity. Cameron's pledge to "cut the deficit, not the NHS" fell apart this week: less is being spent on the NHS, while the deficit rises.

Hidden fat risk in a tub of popcorn

Cinema snacks contain ?shocking? levels of calories and fat, with a single tub of popcorn exceeding a woman?s entire recommended daily fat intake. Which? magazine, which carried out the research, is calling for nutritional labelling on cinema food and drink.

Anorexic at five

KIDS as young as FIVE are getting hospital treatment for anorexia or bulimia, shock figures reveal today. They are among hundreds of under-13s hit by eating disorders.

You say tomato, we say anti-ageing

SUPERMARKET shelves are bursting with superfoods packed with anti-ageing properties and antioxidants. Without spending an extra penny or persuading the family to tuck into anything unfamiliar, the weekly shop can be a chance to stock up on a variety of vitamin shots.
that is frightening about the popcorn. I always think of it as healthier than sweets as I believed it was low fat.
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