Health news 1st-3rd October 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetic teenagers wanted to help prevent related diseases
Diabetes UK is calling on children and teenagers with type one diabetes from the Bristol area to help with research which could prevent diabetes-related heart and kidney disease.The charity is asking parents of ten to 16-year-olds to register by e-mailing will then be asked to send in urine samples to be used in research. Using the collection of samples, new studies hope to improve prevention of heart and kidney problems among young people with diabetes.

Calling children and teenagers with diabetes
Diabetes UK is calling on children and teenagers with Type 1 diabetes from Cambridgeshire to help with research which could prevent diabetes-related heart and kidney disease. The leading health charity is asking parents of 10 to 16 year olds with Type 1 diabetes to register their children by emailing the Nephropathy Family Study nurse in Cambridge.

Delivering innovative NHS solutions
Four Cambridge companies were among those taking part in the fourth in the series of ?Opening Doors to the NHS? events. Organised by Health Enterprise East ? the NHS partner organisation for innovation in the East of England ? the day focused on diabetes. It covered treatment and care pathways, opportunities for further improvements, and how companies? innovative products and services can help deliver solutions for patients and the NHS.

Eat more slowly or risk diabetes, a new study warns
Fast eaters may have a higher risk of developing the most common form of diabetes, writes Roger Dobson. People who eat food quickly are twice as likely to develop impaired glucose tolerance, known as pre-diabetes, according to a new study. The increase was not seen in people with other eating patterns, including snacking and late-night eating.

Cleared to keep working, the GPs who can?t spot cancer

GPs are missing obvious symptoms of life-threatening illnesses, from cancer to heart disease ? and the medical watchdog is powerless to stop them, a major investigation has revealed. The survey of surgeries nationwide uncovered a number of shocking cases, including a family doctor who advised an undercover patient who listed clear signs of bowel cancer to eat mangoes and pears. Another GP mistook the textbook symptoms of angina, a well-known complaint that greatly increases the odds of having a heart attack, for indigestion.

Prolonged stress 'can shrink the brain'

Suffering stress for long periods of time can shrink the brain and even cause dementia, researchers have claimed. Chemicals released by the body during prolonged stress are toxic to brain tissue, they found. Types of stress linked to the condition include that suffered by those in loveless marriages, dead end jobs and post traumatic situations.

One in 20 nurses expecting sack

One in 20 nurses expects to lose their job in the next 12 months, a shock survey has found.

More than 50 per cent say they are now too busy to provide the level of care they would like. Even more told the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) they work over their contracted hours. They claimed jobs were being cut back, with recruitment freezes leading to ward closures.

Children's packed lunches 'lack fruit and veg'

Parents are failing to put enough fruit and veg into their children's packed lunches, health experts have warned. The School Food Trust, which examined 3,500 packed lunches in England in 2009, says about 40% of lunchboxes do not contain any fruit or vegetables, compared with 10% of school dinners. It said parents should consider switching to school meals. Meanwhile, the World Cancer Research Fund has set up a website to give parents advice on healthier lunchboxes.

Peers and BMA attack Lansley's NHS reforms

Moves to overhaul the National Health Service have suffered a double setback ahead of the return of the controversial plans to Parliament. Yesterday, a cross-party group of peers called for fresh changes to the Health and Social Care Bill and the British Medical Association called for the Bill to be scrapped as it announced a new campaign of opposition.
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