Health news 19th September 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
More than a million drivers could lose licences under EU diabetes rules
More than a million drivers could lose their licences under a new EU ruling *banning people with *diabetes from the roads. Lib Dem MP Bob *Russell wants an urgent debate on the rule ? which would affect insulin users ? claiming the DVLA plans to enforce it more strictly here than *other countries. Charity Diabetes UK said: ?There is no evidence drivers with *diabetes pose a greater risk than others.?

Weight-loss surgery for under-25s quadruples in last four years
THE number of young people going under the knife to beat obesity has quadrupled in the last four years. Statistics reveal patients as young as 15 are being given a gastric bypass or fitted with a gastric band, with 20 under 18s having weight-loss surgery.

Glow-in-the-dark surgery that homes in on ovarian cancer
Thousands of women with ovarian cancer could benefit from a technique which ?lights up? diseased cells during surgery. It may help doctors to spot previously undetectable tumours measuring just one tenth of a millimetre, a study has found.

Schizophrenia and epilepsy have 'strong link'People with schizophrenia are six times more likely to develop epilepsy, says a study which finds a strong relationship between the two diseases. Writing in Epilepsia, researchers in Taiwan say this could be due to genetic, neurobiological or environmental factors.

Low-fat yoghurt 'child asthma risk' during pregnancy
Pregnant women who eat low-fat yoghurt can increase the risk of their child developing asthma and hay fever, a study says. At the European Respiratory Society conference, researchers will suggest this could be due to an absence.
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