Health News 19th February 2010

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Mother's fury as nanny state brands her healthy daughter, 5, 'fat and at risk of heart disease'
Sports mad, always full of energy and certainly not fat, five-year-old Lucy Davies' parents had no concern about her health. But when she was examined at school as part of a Government initiative to turn the rising tide of obesity, they were shocked to be told that she was 'overweight and unhealthy.' They said Lucy may have an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer as her body mass index (BMI) was outside recommended guidelines by just one per cent.

The cancer holy grail: DNA test will allow doctors to create personalised treatments for patients

Scientists have developed the 'Holy Grail' of cancer testing - a type of blood analysis that allows patients to have personalised treatments for their disease. The breakthrough in 'genetic fingerprint' technique means doctors can monitor exactly how a tumour is reacting to chemotherapy drugs or radiation, and then adjust the dose precisely to suit the patient. The test, which looks for the telltale changes in a patient's DNA, can also reveal whether the disease has returned once treatment has finished.

Eating for two is just a myth, Health Service advises mothers-to-be
Mothers-to-be should be warned that 'eating for two' is a myth, according to draft Health Service guidelines. They do not need to drink full-fat milk or change their diet at all for the first six months of the pregnancy.
Do you want to know the thing that struck me the most about that last article? Apart from the fact that for once I actually agree with the Daily Fail (I feel dirty for even saying that). The caption for the picture!

*dies laughing*
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