Health news 19th-21st March 2011

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetes UK Cymru warn over undiagnosed sufferers
One in 50 people in Wales has undiagnosed diabetes, according to campaigners who are launching an effort to identify them. About 150,000 people know they have the condition, but about another 66,000 are undiagnosed and risk developing serious complications.

Protein found in brain cells may be key to autism
Scientists have shown how a single protein may trigger autistic spectrum disorders by stopping effective communication between brain cells. The team from Duke University in North Carolina created autistic mice by mutating the gene which controls production of the protein, Shank3.

Mental health nurses 'set bad example to patients'
Poor physical health is rife among people with severe mental illness in the UK, a study shows.

The study leader said mental health nurses might be partly to blame for setting a bad example.

Liberal Democrats seek changes to health reforms

Far reaching changes to the coalition health reforms are being drawn up by the Liberal Democrats, it emerged yesterday. The proposals to be circulated among senior Liberal Democrat health experts are designed to turn the motions passed at the party's spring conference a week ago into detailed amendments to the health and social care bill before it reaches its report stage.

Heart surgeons push for other specialists to reveal death data
Doctors are dragging their feet over compiling and making public the information patients need to choose the best and safest place to have hospital treatment, according to a provocative report from heart surgeons. Cardiovascular surgeons, backed by the Royal College of Surgeons, have taken the unusual step of criticising other specialists for failing to collect the data on deaths and other treatment outcomes that will give patients a clear picture of where to go for the best results.

Breakthrough in Britain?s fight to beat Alzheimer?s
Scientists have overcome a key problem in treating common memory and brain disorders, which could herald a new generation of treatments. A ?dramatic and exciting? study has revealed a novel way to get medicines into the brain to treat conditions such as Alzheimer?s, Parkinson?s, motor neurone disease and muscular dystrophy.
Heart surgeons push for other specialists to reveal death data
Doctors are dragging their feet over compiling and making public the information patients need to choose the best and safest place to have hospital treatment, according to a provocative report from heart surgeons. Cardiovascular surgeons, backed by the Royal College of Surgeons, have taken the unusual step of criticising other specialists for failing to collect the data on deaths and other treatment outcomes that will give patients a clear picture of where to go for the best results.

I tend not to believe causes of death! Two diabetic friends died about five years ago and both had diabetes as the main cause of death. One definately died of MRSA and the cause of my other friend's death is in my view unexplained. A relative's death certificate had a disease they never had as a contibruatory factor. It took many months for the hospital to admit the error. Lies, damn lies and statistics!
I tend not to believe causes of death! Two diabetic friends died about five years ago and both had diabetes as the main cause of death. One definately died of MRSA and the cause of my other friend's death is in my view unexplained. A relative's death certificate had a disease they never had as a contibruatory factor. It took many months for the hospital to admit the error. Lies, damn lies and statistics!

I'm with you on that one falcon!
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