Health news 18th November 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Confederation calls for extra tests for drivers

The Optical Confederation has responded to the government's Strategic Framework for Road Safety by pointing out that the number of licences revoked for poor eyesight does not equate to the 1.8 million people in the UK estimated to have vision below the driving standard. It pointed out that only 4,000 people had their licences revoked in 2010, highlighting that with an ageing population the number of people with vision below 6/12 would increase to 4 million by 2050 in the UK.

Myth that antibiotics cure coughs and colds still rife

A quarter of people wrongly believe antibiotics work on most coughs and colds, a Health Protection Agency survey has found. However antibiotics cannot treat viruses, which cause most respiratory tract infections

UK trials for new blood transfusion protocols

Clinical trials are under way in the UK of new blood transfusion procedures for patients with traumatic injuries. A study involving 22 centres in England and Wales is assessing how changing the mix of blood components given can affect outcomes.

NHS waiting list rise prompts government U-turn

The government has been forced into a major U-turn on the NHS by introducing a new waiting time target in order to tackle the growing number of patients not undergoing surgery within the promised 18 weeks.The health secretary, Andrew Lansley, had previously criticised waiting times introduced by Labour in order to speed up patient care as "arbitrary Whitehall targets".
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