Health News 18th March 2010

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Type 1
Why NHS waste isn't only about red tape
There are few more emotive issues than the NHS. Politicians on all sides go into panic mode if they are thought to be somehow anti-NHS. Just as Gordon Brown regularly trumpets the huge spending increases he has ploughed in to the NHS, so David Cameron has gone out of his way to demonstrate his passion for the service.'t-only-about-red-tape/

Boy left dying in school corridor by teacher

11-year-old Sam Linton died of an asthma attack after being left in a school corridor by a teacher, an inquest found. Sam was found alone and gasping for breath by two fellow pupils after his class tutor, Janet Ford, sent him to sit outside the classroom.

Nutrition training for doctors 'must be improved'

Nutrition needs to be made a more important part of the doctor training system, a leading expert has said. Gastroenterologist Dr Penny Neild, who works at London's St George's Hospital, said training on how to spot and tackle malnutrition was "patchy".

Hypnotherapy 'can help' irritable bowel syndrome

Greater use of hypnotherapy to ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome would help sufferers and might save money, says a gastroenterologist. Dr Roland Valori, editor of Frontline Gastroenterology, said of the first 100 of his patients treated, symptoms improved significantly for nine in 10.

One in ten doctors in Britain is foreign and untested

Almost one in ten doctors on the medical register comes from the EU and has not had to take any language or competence tests before working in Britain. The shocking figure exposes the lax controls over European locums taking up hospital posts in the NHS and providing out-of-hours GP cover.
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