Health news 18th July 2011

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Cancer diagnoses in 40-59 age group soar 20% in a generation
Cancer diagnoses in middle-aged men and women have soared by 20% in a generation as screening picks up more cases and smoking, drinking, obesity and unfitness continue to take a toll. A steep rise in cancer rates among people aged 40 to 59 since 1979 has resulted in an extra 17,000 cancers being diagnosed every year, according to Cancer Research UK (Cruk), Britain's biggest cancer charity.

Painkillers 'may ease agitation' in dementia patients

Many dementia patients being prescribed "chemical cosh" antipsychotic drugs could be better treated with simple painkillers, research says. The British and Norwegian study, published on the BMJ website, found painkillers significantly cut agitation in dementia patients.

Scientists find 'better way' to grow adult stem cells

A new plastic surface which overcomes the difficulties associated with growing adult stem cells has been developed, according to scientists. Standard surfaces have proved limited for growing large amounts and retaining the stem cells' useful characteristics.

Around 100,000 nursing jobs could disappear from NHS in next decade, report warns

Around 100,000 nursing jobs could disappear from the NHS over the next 10 years, a report reveals today. Government cuts, including fewer training places, and retirement rates could combine to cripple the Health Service, the Royal College of Nursing warns. The RCN commissioned independent research to examine the impact of all three factors on our hospitals.
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