Health news 18th January 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Number of obese patients in West Midlands tops more than half a million
NUMBERS of patient registered as obese in the West Midlands have surged by nearly 28,000 in a year to over half a million people. It coincided with a sharp rise in the number of people diagnosed with diabetes of more than 15,000 at the same time, leading charity Diabetes UK revealed.

Diabetes claims cost company ?2.2bn
The UK?s largest pharmaceutical company has said the cost of settling legal disputes over controversial diabetes drug Avandia will hit a record ?2.2 billion. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) said the charge equates to an after-tax cost of ?1.8 billion and applies to the fourth quarter of 2010. The charge covers consumer lawsuits alleging the drug harms health, in particular that it increases the risk of heart attack.

How those Friday night glasses of wine could be quietly killing you
Are you one of the many who try not to drink alcohol during the week, but save it for the weekend? No doubt you think it helps you function better ? surely it?s also healthier than drinking daily. After all, some experts say alcohol-free days are as important as sticking to the weekly daily recommended limits.

Smoking linked to earlier male deaths
Smoking is the main reason why on average men die sooner than women across Europe, according to research. World Health Organization figures on death rates reveal tobacco-related illness accounts for up to 60% of the gender health gap in most countries.

Health reforms in England took NHS by surprise, MPs say

The scale of health reforms being made in England has taken the NHS by "surprise" and could threaten its ability to make savings, MPs say. The Commons health committee has criticised the "significant policy shift" of scrapping primary care trusts and passing control of budgets to GPs.

Ban on the sale of cheap alcohol
Ministers will announce measures to stop retailers offering customers drinks for less than the tax they pay for it as the first step in a crackdown on binge drinking. However, stores and landlords will not have to take into account the cost of producing the drinks when setting a price meaning they can still sell the drinks at a loss in order to entice customers to buy more.
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