Health news 18th August 2011

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Moderate wine drinking may help promote weight loss

In a study that will raise the spirits of anyone driven to stick to soft drinks for the sake of their waistline, academics say previous assumptions about a link between alcohol and obesity have been inaccurate. Their analysis of previous research shows that although heavy drinkers are likely to put on weight, those who just enjoy an occasional tipple are unlikely to pile on the pounds.

Sniffer dogs detect lung cancer

Sniffer dogs can be used to reliably detect lung cancer, according to researchers in Germany.

Writing in the European Respiratory Journal, they found that trained dogs could detect a tumour in 71% of patients.

Trainee doctor changeover 'impacts on patient safety'

The vast majority of doctors believe patient safety is compromised by the August intake of medical trainees, a survey has suggested. The latest intake of medical trainee doctors start their training posts in the NHS at the beginning of the month.
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