Health news 17th February 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hospitals to be told to 'stop child heart surgery'
Child heart surgery will stop at some hospitals to ensure patient safety under official plans put forward. The NHS review looked at all 11 units in England amid concern expertise was being spread too thinly.

High blood pressure patients 'benefit' from therapy

Patients with high blood pressure would benefit from a series of personal advice sessions on their medication, say UK researchers. Writing in the Journal of Human Hypertension, they said many of the 10 million people with the condition in the UK fail to take their medication.

Negative experiences can stop painkillers working

A patient's belief that a drug will not work can become a self fulfilling prophecy, according to researchers. They showed the benefits of painkillers could be boosted or completely wiped out by manipulating expectations.

Caramel food colouring in cola 'could cause cancer'

Pure caramel is made from melted sugar; but two other versions approved to colour food products include the chemical ammonia and produce compounds shown to cause various cancers in studies of animals, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) said in a statement. The group is petitioning the Food and Drug Administration to ban the ammonia-containing caramels, which are also used in other dark-coloured soft drinks.

NHS blood bank could be partly sold off

Private companies are in talks with the Department of Health about taking over the storage and distribution of blood under the plan to make the service more ?commercially effective?. However collection would likely still be run by the National Health Service, amid fears that potential donors would be put off if they believed their free act of giving blood was going to boost the profits of private firms.

Herbal medicines will survive after ministers approve plan that bypasses EU directive
Herbal and Chinese medicines that faced an EU ban are to stay on sale under plans to register UK practitioners for the first time. The Government moved yesterday to protect consumers wanting herbal products that will disappear from many health food shops after April 30.
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