Health news 17th August 2010

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hannah goes distance for tragic best pal
A SHEFFIELD teenager is taking part in the Great Yorkshire Run in memory of her diabetic best friend who died tragically - three days before her 18th birthday. Hannah Harriman, 19, of Millhouses, decided to raise money for Diabetes UK by running the 10km race in memory of her friend Sophie Watson who died from a rare condition linked to her illness.

The torch that could end the pain of finger-prick tests for diabetics
A light that measures blood sugar levels when it's shone on the skin could end painful finger-prick tests for diabetics. The experimental device, being tested at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the U.S., works by analysing glucose levels in fluid just beneath the skin. From this, a computer program can instantly calculate how much there is circulating in the bloodstream.

Drugs law review backed by former RCP president
Decriminalising drug use could drastically reduce crime and improve health, the outgoing president of the Royal College of Physicians has said. Sir Ian Gilmore said the laws on misuse of drugs should be reviewed and that their supply should be regulated. He had formed his view after seeing the problems caused by dirty needles and contaminated drugs, the BBC's health correspondent Adam Brimelow said.

New meningitis test that can detect infection 'within an hour'

A new test for meningitis that can detect the infection in under an hour has been developed by British scientists. Every year in Britain around 1500 people contract meningococcal, with about two in three cases involving children. Photo: ALAMY Researchers have developed a device which they believe can detect meningococcal bacteria much quicker than is currently possible. Doctors fighting the disease, which frequently strike young children and babies, say the new test can offer results with an hour, rather than up to 48 hours at present.

32% of pupils skip breakfast before school, study finds
Almost a third of children regularly go without breakfast before school and are more likely than classmates to be inactive, unfit and obese, research shows. While 68% of pupils eat before leaving home, 32% do not. Of the latter, 25% only sometimes have a morning meal and 7% never have breakfast on school days, according to findings which have raised fresh concern about children's eating habits and general health.

Health warning for women as experts claim eating red meat twice a day can increase risk of heart disease
Eating red meat twice a day can increase a woman's risk of heart disease by nearly a third, a study has shown. The study found those who ate two servings of fresh or processed red meat daily were 30 per cent more likely to suffer heart disease than women who ate just half a portion. Substituting red meat for a serving of nuts cut the risk of heart disease by 30 per cent, eating fish instead lowered the risk by 24 per cent, while swapping red meat for poultry slashed the risk by 19 per cent, the survey also found.
The torch that could end the pain of finger-prick tests for diabetics.....

This technology with a pump would need virtually no human input, it could constsantly check your blood and compensate accordingly....sweet...
The torch that could end the pain of finger-prick tests for diabetics.....

This technology with a pump would need virtually no human input, it could constsantly check your blood and compensate accordingly....sweet...

And ...... no more strips!! Woo Hoo!

But, will the torches cost ?500+ to compensate? 🙄

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