Health news 17th-19th July 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Should there be a ban on junk food TV ads aimed at children?
There are 2.6 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK, of which 2.35 million have type 2 diabetes. The condition is serious, and if not managed well can lead to complications including heart disease, kidney failure and amputations. Type 2 diabetes is strongly linked to being overweight or obese. Studies show that obese children are more likely to become obese adults, increasing their risk of type 2 diabetes. Donna Castle, public affairs manager, Diabetes UK commented.

Vaccine patch may replace needles
The tiny microneedles are loaded with vaccine A vaccine patch could cut out the need for painful needles and boost the effectiveness of immunisation against diseases like flu, say US researchers. The patch has hundreds of microscopic needles which dissolve into the skin.

So how much can you REALLY drink before you drive? We test a range of motorists... with surprising results
With the summer party season under way, many people in pubs and restaurants up and down Britain tonight will ask the same question: Am I OK to drive? They might only have had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner but does that mean their driving will be safe? The truth is, many haven't a clue what the UK legal drink drive limit translates into in terms of the types and quantity of drinks.

Wrong records: ?600 million NHS database shows inaccuracies for 1 in 10 patients
Fresh fears have been raised about a controversial new NHS database after doctors found that one in ten of the medical records held on a pilot version of the system are inaccurate. Doctors' leaders warned last night that glitches in the ?600 million scheme, known as the 'Spine', could put the lives of patients at risk because they could be given the wrong medicine.

Banishing the NHS paper-pushers

Finger on the Pulse: pointless and costly bureaucracy and ludicrous management salaries have no place in this era of austerity. Several years ago, a friend worked as a temp in the NHS. She was the secretary to a group of middle management in a primary care trust (PCT) and spent the summer holiday before going to law school running their office. Within a few weeks, she quit. Not because she couldn't do the job, but because she was disgusted with the waste she witnessed. She was told not to work too hard. She would sit in meetings where the same things were discussed repeatedly without any decision being made. She was taken aside by a colleague when she attempted to improve efficiency and asked if she wanted to make everyone unemployed. It was shortly after this incident that she walked out.
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