Health news 16th July 2010

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The 4-in-1 diet jab: New wonder drug tackles cholesterol, obesity, diabetes and blood pressure
A four-in-one diet drug that can help a woman drop two dress sizes in six months has been developed by scientists. The jab, which could be available in three years, also lowers blood pressure, raises 'good' cholesterol, and can prevent and even cure diabetes. If that's not enough, it also appears to have a 'feel-good' factor.

Out-of-hours births 'are riskier'

Women are being offered more choice over where they give birth Babies born at night or at the weekend are at a greater risk of dying than those born within normal working hours, a study suggests. The analysis of more than one million births in Scotland over two decades found the risk of death for babies born out of hours, while small, was a third higher than for those born in the day.

NHS sets ?1.7bn aside for reform

An overhaul of the NHS was announced on Monday The NHS in England has set aside nearly ?1.7bn this year for reorganisation - more than seven times what it aims to save on management, the BBC has learnt. The fund - held back from the front line - will help pave the way for GPs to take over budgets from managers. NHS boss Sir David Nicholson said it was there to kick-start the process.

Vaccine that will protect against every type of flu

A "universal" flu vaccine that protects against many strains of the virus could be available within a few years, scientists have said. The new vaccine would protect against many strains of the flu virus Photo: ALAMY They believe they have solved the problem of designing a "one fits all" jab using a new two-step approach to immunisation. Early safety trials of the vaccine have already started and it could be tested on patients as early as 2013.

Parents of obese children may be guilty of neglect

Actively subverting weight management in initiatives could be seen as a form of neglect, the child health experts argue. Parents who fail to help an obese child eat and exercise properly, ignoring all advice and guidance, could be guilty of neglect, child health experts say today. Dr Russell Viner and colleagues from the UCL Institute of Child Health in London say that the weight of a child by itself is not a reason for child protection staff to get involved.
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