Health news 16th January 2012

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Admin (Retired)
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Type 1
Breakthrough in bid to grow blood vessels in the lab which could revolutionise heart attack and stroke treatment
Scientists are a step closer to making ?off the shelf? veins and arteries which could revolutionise treatment for heart attacks and strokes. A team at Cambridge University has managed to grow all three main types of cells which make up the walls of a blood vessel.

Nutrition therapists condemned as 'quacks' who put patients' health at risk
Nutrition therapists have been condemned as quacks and accused of putting the health of the sick ? including those suffering from breast cancer ? at risk. An industry has grown up based on the concept that ?food doctor? nutritionists can cure patients? ills and allergies through diet. However at least some of the practitioners, who charge up to ?80 for a consultation, are providing advice that could harm health, a study by the consumer watchdog Which? found.

NHS reforms: New evidence of Tory plans to privatise NHS by stealth
Sneaky health chiefs have ordered doctors to pick out services for privatisation. The Government has sent a letter to all primary care trusts demanding they identify at least three services that can be handed to the private sector. Labour says the move is further evidence of Tory plans to privatise the NHS by stealth and accused David Cameron of breaking his pledge to keep the NHS in public ownership.

Concern over training of surgeons in cosmetic clinics
Private cosmetic clinics are employing surgeons to carry out breast implants, nose jobs and tummy tucks who would not be qualified to work as consultants in the NHS.

Guidelines on pre-school food from School Food Trust

New guidelines on nutrition for preschool children, aimed at reducing obesity, have been published. The advice includes information on what food young children should eat, recipes and help for fussy eaters.

London 2012: Mass gathering risks disease spreading

Mass gatherings, such as the London 2012 Olympics, can be a hotbed of diseases from across the world, public health experts have warned. They say it can have consequences for the host nation and for people when they return to their own countries.

British surgeons pioneer surgery with robotic arm
British doctors have performed a world-first operation using a robot that could save hundreds of lives a year.
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