Health news 16th February 2012

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Department of Health apologises over tax deals 'misunderstanding'
The Department of Health has apologised after documents sent to the Guardian showed that contrary to assurances given to parliament, more than 25 senior staff employed by the department are paid salaries direct to limited companies, with the likely effect of reducing their tax bills.

David Cameron edges towards minimum price curb on binge drinking
Deep discounting of alcohol by supermarkets and convenience stores is fuelling Britain's binge-drinking culture, David Cameron conceded, as he came under intense political and health lobby pressure to adopt a minimum price for alcohol.

Migraine victims could get Botox on the NHS: Anti-wrinkle jabs 'halve effects of pain'
Thousands of migraine sufferers could benefit if an official review gives the go-ahead for Botox jabs on the NHS.

Results of clinical trials suggest the injections, used as an anti-wrinkle treatment, can halve the effects of chronic migraine.

Fertility quango sits on ?3.4m as thousands of women are refused IVF
The fertility quango has ?3.4million of unspent funds ? while thousands of women are being refused IVF on the NHS because it is too expensive. Figures reveal the surplus money built up by the Human Fertility and Embryology Authority could pay for 850 women to have treatment.

Children?s sugary cereals ?bad as chocolate biscuits?
Children?s breakfast cereals are so full of sugar they should be in the chocolate biscuit aisle of supermarkets, a study warned yesterday.

Prostate cancer care 'a disgrace', says experts' report
Health experts said research funding for the disease is a fifth of the amount dedicated to fighting breast cancer ? despite being just as deadly.

Hundreds of NHS patients are being denied chance of IVF
Britain's fertility regulator has run up a surplus of more than ?3m from charges imposed on the clinics it licenses, enough to provide 1,000 free cycles of IVF treatment on the NHS. The unspent funds raised by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) mean hundreds of NHS patients cannot get the treatment they need to help them have a baby.

Patients see a succession of doctors in hospital it has been warned
One in four medical consultants believe patient care is being put at risk because they see a succession of different staff in hospital due to cuts in working hours.

Children 'watch same level' of junk food ads despite TV rules
Children are still exposed to the same level of junk food advertising despite tighter regulations, research suggests.

The UK regulations ban the advertising of foods high in fat, salt or sugar during children's programming.

Newcastle University academics said 6.1% of adverts seen by children were about junk food before the ban - the figure was 7% after the ban.

'Fewer crisps for healthy teenagers but some skip meals'
Teenagers in England are eating less fatty food and more vegetables than previous generations - but some are skipping meals to lose weight, according to research.

The figures are based on interviews with 750,000 teenagers over 30 years.

Between 2000 and 2010, the proportion eating crisps on most days halved - with a similar drop for sweets.

How an abortion divided America
Ms McCormack never wanted to be notorious. A 33-year-old single mother, she has for years devoted herself to raising three children on $250-a-month (?160) in child support, plus cash from a part-time job at the local dry cleaners. Then, last autumn, came the controversy that would change her life. It began when she learned she was pregnant and decided to self-administer a termination. The ensuing events have placed her front and centre of the next great legal showdown in America's endlessly divisive abortion debate.
The last item.

How can a country as large as America have such a very small brain?

Yet apparently 35% of American women have an abortion .... Let he who is without sin?

Sodding hypocrisy .......
Looking at No 1.
Why doesn't it surprise me? Regardless of your political preferences they leave a lot to be desired. We will get a load of bamboozle as to why it has happened as with the current M.P. expenses that are still a bit dubious.

When ordinary decent folk are being affected by the cuts, the unemployed are almost suicidal because they cannot provide for their families,working class people are being pitted against each other because they think some people are either cheating the system or better off than they are and now this. It is called greed however it is dressed up.
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