Health News 16th December 2011

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Type 1
Could doctors be punished for talking about Dignitas with patients?
Health watchdogs are drawing up guidelines to help them deal with potential accusations of assisted suicide against doctors. The General Medical Council is trying to determine what levels of punishment they should face depending on their involvement in any particular case.

Stay fit to beat breast cancer
Women who exercise regularly are nearly 40 per cent less likely to die from breast cancer if they fall victim to the disease. These were the findings yesterday of doctors who found that women who made exercise a part of their lifestyle from their teens onwards had a much greater chance of surviving a tumour.

Dementia care: Hospitals 'must make improvements'
Hospitals in England and Wales are falling short in the care given to dementia patients, a review says. The Royal College of Psychiatrists' audit of 210 hospitals - the first of its kind - says while services are safe, they are lacking in other areas.

Child penicillin doses should be reviewed, say experts
Penicillin doses for children - which have stayed the same for 50 years - need to be reviewed because youngsters are getting heavier, experts have said. Dosages are based on age but an average weight is assumed and average weights have risen, the London-based team warn.

A quarter of young women 'have had sex under age'
More than a quarter of women now aged 16-24 first had sex when they were under age, compared with just 4% of women aged 5/5-69, a survey suggests. The Health Survey for England asked 8,420 adults aged 16-69 about a range of issues, including sexual behaviour.
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